May 10, 2021 2:39 PM


Pirate Chain / US DollarHITBTC


Sorry folks, You are going to have to kind of um... ignore the Tradingview chart for awhile until the tech guy gets his act together and figures out how to make a proper chart with accurate value calculations. Does any one know how to contact this guy??? How many more charts on stocks and other things are incorrect?? LOL It appears that he is using the one exchange that is the lowest volume and the least trusted to get his info. But otherwise Good coin . Lots of upward growth. Maybe tradingview needs a better team. Please let them know. This is my first idea. Not sure how to do this.LOL Any ideas on how to contact these characters please comment below. Thks.
Hey. You are not addressing the question correctly. Do you really think that there is ONE tech guy who is sitting with a calculator and doesn't know how to use it? ARRR/USD is not the main chart. ARRR/BTC is the one, where Tradingview uses data provided by HITBTC and then does an automatic conversion to USD following the Bitcoin price at the very moment. Yes, I agree they have to use TradeOgre since HITBTC has less volume and their wallet is under maintenance and was for a long time which caused the price discrepancies.
@alexfortuna, Hi Alex, No I dont . I just like to stir the pot. Imagine some little nerd guy in a cubicle with a radio shack calculator and scotch tape holding his glasses together. LOL I know eventually someone will work the kinks out. But it would be nice to know who and how to contact to actually speak to someone about it yes. Can you help with that? Im curious aren't you?
YES thank you. We have been watching this too, and I can't even find ARRR on HITBTC. Very annoying they should pull from tradeogre. But I do love this service in general.
@CheesyPoofs, I like this service too. I'm just very vocal when it comes to certain things. Sometimes I like to stir the pot. I know eventually the kinks will be worked out. Sometimes all of the price calculations catch up with each other by a few minutes difference which is ok. Sometimes you can follow the rhythm and one or the other is ahead by a few minutes and you can get a slight edge on your trading if you are day trading. oh well, right ? Lol