Dec 19, 2021 4:54 PM

Jasmy Coin - Entry Target Reached - I'm in. Now how do I play up Long

JasmyCoin / United States DollarCoinbase


In this video:

* I discuss where we are in Jasmy
* Where we could could go down and up
* How do I plan to trade this up now that I am fully vested?

Best of luck on all your trades guys!
I am buying this coin from 0.10 0.09 0.07 and now it hit 0.06 i skip this and wait for0.05 how DEEP can you go JASMY?
@ssemm I honestly think this is such a fragile coin it can easily go to a penny.
and down it goes
Dude I literally watch you because you don't hype shit and act all "YOLO APES! DUR DUR DUR!" So thanks for that. I also watched some of your earlier videos and thought some of them were conservative, not over the moon.. and that's more realistic. Keep it up dude.
@snowguy2006, Thanks man. Yes, that's exactly what I try to avoid ...hype. Hype will not make you all money. And that is my goal. Plus, hype directly violates one of the fundamental golden rules of trading ...set those emotions aside and think logically, analytically, and using reason. That's what makes a good trader. And thanks for the comment.
Bless your heart, man - I am learning a lot of TA from you, and your strategies are very clear. You mentioned in a past video that you strictly look at price action rather than fundamentals. Hopefully this token returns to its lofty highs - but at this point, I see it as speculation. This is an IOT ERC-20 token with a TPS ~15 subject to extreme gas fees. IOTX, a competitor, with its own blockchain, TPS ~3000 and with 1/5 the max tokens. The bigger factor from a fundamental point of view would be the ecosystem.
Jasmy's operating officers are all ex Sony executives - which is very positive. More on IOTX here: I guess your optimism is for a quick oversold bounce, though the price action is still in a downtrend. Good luck to all and thanks for your teachings.
@tgjgold, yes. I mainly look at TA from a mid-term swing perspective (avg. 5-6 weeks hold), but I always appreciate those, like you, who are able to help out from a fundamental perspective as well. I am not interested in hodl'ing Jasmy. Only for these shorter term swings. HNT (Helium) is my long term buy and hodl, if you really want to know.
@stewdamus, I appreciate your professionalism, openness and positive attitude. This HNT is completely new to me and from a quick look on the daily HA candles and WWV TA - looks like a winner to me. Unique fundamentals.Thanks for the free tip, I'm in.
@tgjgold, been in since $9 a coin. Miners from England on the way!