Mar 29, 2018 7:29 PM

spx global economic collapse Short

S&P 500SP


Collapse of society.
If you own a home, sell it and take profit.
Go short spx, go short on cryptocurrency.
We are gonne see turmoil.
IMO market is so overvalued we can have a crash and there will not be any systemic problems. How many market tops have you been through?
@thesilverbullet, this will be my first as an adult. I am stil young (28). And yes its overvalued, but that's also because fiat does not yield due to debasement, debasement wich is needed due to excesive greed and corruption from high rolers. The deflationary pressure in the system has rewared tech big time mainly.
But it is also resulting in a repeat of the 1929 depression.
I expect social, financial reforms in the future.
But first we will see this come down like a house of cards.
@Childrenofmen, There are controls in place to prevent a 1929 style depression, we just got through the Great Recession and America is still the dominate super power and this will not change. There would need to be something like Yellowstone blowing up to knock Merica off of the top seat at the table. There has been this narrative about the dollar collapsing but no matter what happens people always flee to USD because its the one house of cards that cannot and will not fail... if it does shorting the spx is not going to help you. If you want to make money trading always remember its in your best interest for the system to continue and you just need to ride the 10 year debt creation and destruction waves like a pro. Otherwise go off the grid... Cheers dude.
@thesilverbullet controls? Everytime money was debasable currency and debt society collapses... it can be stretched but you collapse either way. We've been doing this for millenia. History repeats, it always does.
@Childrenofmen, Being the #1 super power and having the de facto reserve currency of the world (all the talk about petro dollar death is fear mongering bull shit propaganda) history would also show these collapses are accompanied by major war times. Its a pretty safe bet WW3 will never happen as it would be mutual destruction. Trump wont go to war and Trump will win another term. My target DOW 22000-22600 followed by a slow long rally to take out new highs before the end of the year. We end 2018 close to January highs and in 2019 the real crash is coming. These markets are really good at stretching these things out, faking everyone out and causing many to capitulate on their ideas. Sell your house in 10-15 years once a new housing bubble is inflated (right now we are back to just before the bubble popped in housing, we might go lower for a year or two in select markets but housing is in pretty good shape overall) . If the equity markets get a little more rattled the FED could possibly hold off on some of their hikes and as soon as that announcement is made.. BOOM! off to the races. Powell is a mere maintenance man.

All that said, if some sort of systemic unforeseen event occurs (ie Lehman) we could have a repeat of 2008 crash and DOW 10000. Time will tell, its fun to have a front row seat while most are just oblivious.
In other words, not now but next year? One more time to the moon and this time it will be no different; just to make sure that every Joe's had a ride aboard the money train.
No, print screen your magic ball; or stop writing such hypomaniac comments. -ty
@RichiRichi, Hypomaniac is not a word, had to look it up, so I don't really understand what you are trying to say... Pretty much all tops do this... Look at 2007 same thing. BTC same thing. Never underestimate the power of peoples hope and dreams to get rich quick... the greed monster is alive and well and a new sucker is born everyday.

And I still don't understand what your stance on this mans idea is? Do you have something productive to add?

I don't have a stance as I am well aware of all possible scenarios, there is no exact truth or outcome.
You are arguing as if @Childrenofmen 's idea can only be right or wrong and not an idea or suggestion by itself.
You are rude, and write as if you do know what is going to happen instead of what might happen instead.
Fact is you do not know what is going to happen, and your comments are full of annoying fallacies that strike me as need-to-know and hypomanic.
-Yes, a typo googling whatever I wrote will give you the correct spelling and definition, so again you are warming up your comments with debating strategies that may sound cleaver on Reddit but not here.

Perhaps @Childrenofmen didn't find the way you wrote as annoying as I did.
@RichiRichi, ow this is where you are wrong, there is an exact truth... and you know that to but just prefer to keep it hidden as most do for rather selfish reasons.
@thesilverbullet, that's what my chart says to and yes i expect hyperinflation in the 20's.....
Cause that's also something that tends to repeat trough history...