Easy Profit JHIDALGO

By Jchidalgo92
indicator("Easy Profit JHIDALGO", overlay = true)

// Settings
length =, 'Swing Detection Lookback')
mult = input.float(1., 'Slope', minval = 0, step = .1)
calcMethod = input.string('Atr', 'Slope Calculation Method', options = ['Atr','Stdev','Linreg', 'RsiSlope'])
backpaint = input(true, tooltip = 'Backpainting offset displayed elements in the past. Disable backpainting to see real time information returned by the indicator.')
minBreakVolume = input.float(1.5, 'Min Break Volume Multiplier', tooltip = 'Minimum volume multiplier for breakout confirmation.')
useSupportResistanceFilter = input(true, 'Use Support/Resistance Filter')

upCss = input.color(color.teal, 'Up Trendline Color', group = 'Style')
dnCss = input.color(, 'Down Trendline Color', group = 'Style')
showExt = input(true, 'Show Extended Lines')

// Calculations
var upper = 0.
var lower = 0.
var slope_ph = 0.
var slope_pl = 0.
var offset = backpaint ? length : 0

n = bar_index
src = close

ph = ta.pivothigh(length, length)
pl = ta.pivotlow(length, length)

// Slope Calculation Method
slope = switch calcMethod
'Atr' => ta.atr(length) / length * mult
'Stdev' => ta.stdev(src,length) / length * mult
'Linreg' => math.abs(ta.sma(src * n, length) - ta.sma(src, length) * ta.sma(n, length)) / ta.variance(n, length) / 2 * mult
'RsiSlope' => ta.rsi(src, length) / 100 * mult

// Get slopes and calculate trendlines
slope_ph := ph ? slope : slope_ph
slope_pl := pl ? slope : slope_pl

upper := ph ? ph : upper - slope_ph
lower := pl ? pl : lower + slope_pl

var upos = 0
var dnos = 0
upos := ph ? 0 : close > upper - slope_ph * length ? 1 : upos
dnos := pl ? 0 : close < lower + slope_pl * length ? 1 : dnos

// Support/Resistance Filter
var resistanceLevel = ta.highest(close, length)
var supportLevel = ta.lowest(close, length)
useSRFilter = useSupportResistanceFilter and ((close > resistanceLevel) or (close < supportLevel))

// Breakout Confirmation
breakoutVolume = volume > ta.sma(volume, length) * minBreakVolume

// Extended Lines
var uptl =,na,na,na, color = upCss, style = line.style_dashed, extend = extend.right)
var dntl =,na,na,na, color = dnCss, style = line.style_dashed, extend = extend.right)

if ph and showExt
uptl.set_xy1(n-offset, backpaint ? ph : upper - slope_ph * length)
uptl.set_xy2(n-offset+1, backpaint ? ph - slope : upper - slope_ph * (length+1))

if pl and showExt
dntl.set_xy1(n-offset, backpaint ? pl : lower + slope_pl * length)
dntl.set_xy2(n-offset+1, backpaint ? pl + slope : lower + slope_pl * (length+1))

// Plots
plot(backpaint ? upper : upper - slope_ph * length, 'Upper', color = ph ? na : upCss, offset = -offset)
plot(backpaint ? lower : lower + slope_pl * length, 'Lower', color = pl ? na : dnCss, offset = -offset)

// Breakouts with confirmation
plotshape(upos > upos[1] and useSRFilter and breakoutVolume, "Upper Break"
, shape.labelup
, location.absolute
, upCss
, text = "B"
, textcolor = color.white
, size = size.tiny)

plotshape(dnos > dnos[1] and useSRFilter and breakoutVolume, "Lower Break"
, shape.labeldown
, location.absolute
, dnCss
, text = "B"
, textcolor = color.white
, size = size.tiny)

// Alerts
alertcondition(upos > upos[1] and useSRFilter and breakoutVolume, 'Upward Breakout', 'Price broke the down-trendline upward with confirmation')
alertcondition(dnos > dnos[1] and useSRFilter and breakoutVolume, 'Downward Breakout', 'Price broke the up-trendline downward with confirmation')

Trend AnalysisVolatilityVolume

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In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

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