Oct 7, 2022 9:04 PM



Library "normsinv"

Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.
The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one; i.e.,
normsinv seeks that value z such that a normal distribtuion of mean of zero
and standard deviation one is equal to the input probability.


  Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
    y0: float, probability corresponding to the normal distribution.
  Returns: float, z-score
Genius work !
quick note: i should have included this solution inside for cndev. they are different functions to do the same task, but used for different purposes depending on desired execution speed and accuracy.
Your work is very interesting. Cheers and tnx very much. A question. Do you have a channel where I can pose questions? Your telegram ch is a read only thing if I'm not mistaken. In particular I would like to learn how to put your indicators in context, how to catalog them in respect with direction, volatility, trend, autocorrelation, perstistancy, entropy. Further I would like to know what blogs and websites do You follow.
@eu12015, i dont following anyone or any blogs in particular. most of this work is straight from academia or my own knowledge. ill have info on how these indicators work in terms of you other question soon. also, there will likely never be public forum to discuss these--i don't have time to field all the questions that arise from the 350 or so that ive already published, let alone from the next 1700 (or more) indicators that will be up shortly, but there will be a sub-only/private forum to discuss them in the future. stay tuned