Zmijewski score

What is the Zmijewski score?

The Zmijewski score is one of the most well-known models for predicting bankruptcy of enterprises, based on metrics like performance, leverage, and financial liquidity.


Zmijewski score = -4.336 - 4.513 * (Net income / Total assets) + 5.679 * (Total liabilities / Total assets) + 0.004 * (Current assets/ Current liabilities)

Zmijewski developed this formula to gauge the likelihood of a bankruptcy. He applied the formula to 40 companies that had gone bankrupt and 800 stable companies. He collected a more complete picture of the data analyzing both bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies.

What does the Zmijewski score mean?

Zmijewski Score allows you to assess the likelihood of bankruptcy for an analyzed company. The higher the ratio, the more likely the threat of bankruptcy for the company.