I'd like to change the billing cycle of my subscription
You can change your billing period from annual to monthly or from monthly to annual on the pricing page. Basically, all the necessary info is already there.

Monthly-to-annual switch:
1. If you decide to stay on the same level you’re currently on, the subscription with a new–annual–billing cycle will start only after the current plan ends. Until then, you will not be charged.

2. Similarly, if you choose to downgrade, the lower-level annual subscription will go live only once your current monthly plan ends. The first payment for the annual plan will be made only once your ongoing monthly subscription expires.

3. Finally, if you decide to upgrade, a new annual plan will be activated, i.e., paid for, immediately; the unused period of your current monthly subscription will be converted in accordance with our price ratio and added to this new paid plan.

Annual-to-monthly switch:
1. If you decide to stay on the same subscription level or downgrade, it will work the same way as the monthly-to-annual switch described above, meaning that your monthly billing cycle will start and get paid for no sooner than your current annual subscription is over.
2. In case you choose to upgrade, you won’t be charged immediately. Instead, the unused period of your current annual subscription will be converted in accordance with our price ratio, so the duration of your subscription will be shortened, and you will be switched to a higher-level plan right away. Once this period ends, the first payment for a monthly plan will be taken, and your subscription will be renewed monthly from that moment on.