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Still can not trade VN30F1M (future Indication) via TradingView, Only Stock that we can trade!
Dear alibabak9d2,
Plesae search for VN30 Index Futures, then choose the contarct you want to trade. The ticker label for VN30 Future Contracts is different on the TradingView platform.
*Please also note that the VN301! and VN302! symbol is not tradable, they represent the continuous update as the contracts switch (used for back-test purpose).
Plesae search for VN30 Index Futures, then choose the contarct you want to trade. The ticker label for VN30 Future Contracts is different on the TradingView platform.
*Please also note that the VN301! and VN302! symbol is not tradable, they represent the continuous update as the contracts switch (used for back-test purpose).
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