
Cardano: Skydive🪂

After Cardano has parachuted down form the resistance at $1.63781, it has pulled the ripcord shortly before the support at $0.92258 and has been gliding along it for some time now, experiencing a little bit of updraft lately. However, we expect the volplane to reach the $0.92258 support line soon, where it should gain drive for further downward movement. Cardano should then ideally land at about $0.52409 in the green zone between $0.93552 and $0.27674, where the flight should end with the magenta wave [v]. Then, Cardano should fold up and pack its parachute and make its way back above $0.92258.
As long as Cardano has not reached the support at $0.92258, though, there remains a 25% chance that there is too much updraft for it to land properly. If the wind then carries Cardano back above the resistance at $1.63781, its power should suffice to blow the price further upwards above $2.4574 and from there, even above $3.100.
