This set up is one of the best set up we usually take based on Pattern we identify
This one is risky still , You can short sell with pre-defined price as stop loss
Take Profits mentioned ,
Best Method is Buy OTM CE 100 + Points away from the Short sell Price, One you sold the Futures then Buy OTM CE and hedge it until price start moving away from your sell price towards the target You need to Hold CE , Once your Futures contract is in safe then Put the stop to cost + Brokerage and trail until it makes to Target
Now I am posting it because of few Genuine Traders are having an Issues , Those who Trade Naked Options Buying only Options Please do not contact me or send me DM
I cant helps 100s of people who only want to know their trade after they took the trade and in negative MTM , Only Options buyers have less Probability of making Money
Good luck