I have presented before you the 10 year super cycle chart, with virtually NO markings in the CURRENT WAVE. WHY ????
1. The previous post gave you an immediate short term view of lets say until jan-feb 2023. But does it really mean that the waves will complete within 2023????? The answer is NO, they wont. What I do think will happen is as below.
1. My personel perception is this. By the time we get to jan-feb 2023, we would have just started scratching the TIP of wave 3. What does EW say????? What must wave 3 do????
It says, wave 3 must rise to a MINIMUM of 161.8% of wave 1.... OR 261.8% of wave 1.
Hence since wave 1 was 279 to 12430 = 12151 @ WAVE 1.
THEREFORE WAVE 3 MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 161.8% of 12151 = 19660. BUT, can it go to 261.8% of 12151 ????? YES IT CAN. And these are done from a super cycle point of view.
Hence wave 3 can do the following @ 161.8% of 12151 = 19660.... 261.8% of 12151 = 31811 Give or take 0.3%
We will have to pin point the structure as we move Along from here. Forecasting on a Larger scale MAY be the Easiest thing to do, marking the immediate waves is the Most difficult believe Me. So lets take it 1 day at a time from here.