GIANT Cup & Handle on weekly SCRTUSD, golden MacD cross imminent

By Ch3ffykins
There have been so many bullish developments on Secret Network lately I don't know where to start. Most recently a bridge was made to Monero allowing XMR holders to participate in private DeFi for the first time on their SecretSwap DEX. Upcoming Terra bridge + IBC transfers to link SCRT to the rest of the bustling Cosmos ecosystem, alongside a major mainnet upgrade in October.

On the chart, we can see a giant cup & handle pattern finally giving us some upside & finality in Q3 & 4 2021. We are also about to see a golden cross & green buy signal on the MacD crypto strat, which in my book is always a good sign!

If the handle plays out well we could see a fantastic run all the way up to the $9.44 range & above, based on the fibonachi retracement at 1.618. However, looking at the performance of LUNA & other Cosmos native coins lately, we could be in for a lot higher!

Looking across the privacy coin sector we can see a lot of undervalued projects with great fundamentals. I will be scouting out some bargains in this overlooked area of the crypto-space, before the big players get in!

Please feel free to message me with any follow-ups :)

Well this played out very nicely, congratulations to everyone that profited :)
CryptocurrencyCup And HandleDEFIFibonacciGrowthmoneroprivacycoinscrtSCRTBTCSCRTUSDscrtusdtsecretnetwork
