VXN - The Cocaine Punchbowl in the Hall of Mirrors

Grab a Blade, chop some Cake.

Roll up a Billy, toot until your head explodes.

Dive in Headfirst - YOLO Maybe baby.

Welcome to the US Economy.

Where you can make 2K trading swings in 15 Min Charts on NQ every 15 minutes,
what could possibly go awry....

More Cocktails, please.


In the meantime, remove all expectations of Risk.

When the Oxygen is sucked out of the Flamingo Mid-Month
there will not be enough carpeting to Roll Up the over-indulgent.

The Fed is now musing about 4 rate hikes... on 2022.


The Bread Basket aka Ukraine is being dealt a new Blow... yes,
there is Cocaine everywhere.

Germany needs her Pipeline from Vlad.

Biden... has to back off NATO and provide no sanctions on Mother Russia.

Iran isn't the deal, the Deal is Mamayev Kurgan, where no one is looking.

China / Russia closing the Book on the US, keeping the Bookmark.


Arab Spring - coming to America.

No one's going to blame the Persians... 300's will revolt.

Led by Crypto Deziens, Apes, Meme Youtuber's and former SPAC bagholders.

Welcome to Cost+ losses.

What is and what should never be...
