
What do i see in Bitcoin?

I have been following this idea for some time now, it looks to be playing out fairly well.
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best for clarity...
No.. I am not saying that Bitcoin will crash back down to the depths of hell as we are no starting to see the masses hedge against negative interest rates.
So that is really becoming less of an option than ever before. But i am saying to be weary for a top/turning point around the date around that area.

I hope that anyone following my charts are beginning to see that there are natural laws in play. Natural points that must occur that are being exploited by market manipulators to control the narrative. What i share publicly is only a tiny, tiny portion of what i chart generally with very high success in pinpointing these pressure points, tops and bottoms of any market. It is no co-incidence that mainstream media picked up the story that Bitcoin is headed to $300,000 the day before price tops out.
My only advice i can offer is that if you are following a "Gann Expert" that misses these points in advance over and over... Do yourself a favor and stop following them or paying for their service. They are a Sham..
This is an update from my phone so suffer the poor quality.. I've deleted everything off the chart to dumb it down. I am expecting next top at this next predictive point on the 3rd Dec (my time) . Indicator used here is one of my custom made cycle indicators.. I might make some of these indicators available to the public in the near future... Who knows...
