[quote="BigBuxTrading"]here's one more cool thing... I once shot a piece for SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) at, among several other places, the United Nations... as Director of Photography (DP) of the project, I was able to stand at the exact podium that all world leaders have delivered their history changing speeches and pleas, but we couldn't take any pictures while at that green marbled hall and podium... pretty cool stuff... I'm done now... :D[/quote]
well done brother, not every has that experience. :agree:
[quote="AllorNothing"]Canada cant win a trade war, n they will realize too late[/quote]
[quote="Muz_Tradez"] we do supply you with quite a bit a whole state of hydro plus. toilet paper from our trees, gas. you might feel this thats forsure. you might want to research a little bit[/quote]
[quote="HoracioEM"]Did someone ask? Or are you just saying this out of the blue?[/quote]
not out of the blue bud, people were talking about the exchanges and working there... :D