
Atea Share Savings Program - notification of trade

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated June 6, 2023 regardingthelaunch and terms of the Atea Employee Share Savings Program (the "Program").Thepurpose of the Program is to engage employees and foster a culture of employeeownership in the Company.

Under the terms of the Program, participating employees may allocate a fixedamount of their monthly after-tax salary to purchase shares in Atea ASA (up toamaximum per month of NOK 1,000 in Norway, SEK 1,000 in Sweden, DKK 700 inDenmark and EUR 100 per month in Finland and the Baltic countries). Shares arepurchased by employees from Atea ASA's treasury share holdings at marketprice.The price of the shares purchased is determined based on the volume-weightedaverage price of the ATEA share on the day preceding the share transfer.

As an additional incentive, participating employees will receive one "bonus"share for each two ordinary shares purchased under the Program after a vestingperiod in which the specified ordinary shares must be held. The vesting periodis three years for executive management and two years for all other employees.The participant must also remain employed by Atea during the vesting period inorder to receive the bonus share.  The "bonus" share is treated as arestrictedstock unit (RSU) under IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment.

3,095 Atea employees are presently registered in the Program, representingapproximately 39% of all employees in the Atea Group.

On February 7, these employees purchased 65,498 shares in Atea ASA.  Shareswerepurchased from Atea's treasury share holdings at a share price of NOK 135.12pershare, corresponding to the volume-weighted average share price on February 6,2025. The cost of the shares will be deducted from the employees' after-taxsalary in November, December and January. After the transaction, Atea ASA held533,682 of its own shares.

The following primary insiders have acquired ATEA shares on February 7, 2025under the Atea Share Savings Program, and are subject to public disclosurerequirements as a result of share transaction volumes during calendar year2025.

Arunas Bartusevicius (Managing Director, Atea Baltics) purchased 26 sharesunderthe Program. After the transaction, the primary insider holds 177,319 shares,210,000 options and 99 RSUs in the Company.

Kathrine Forsberg (Managing Director, Atea Denmark) purchased 24 shares underthe Program. After the transaction, the primary insider holds 186 shares,270,000 options and 93 RSUs in the Company.

Robert Giori (Group CFO) purchased 22 shares under the Program. After thetransaction, the primary insider holds 126,956 shares, 500,000 options and 85RSUs in the Company. The shareholding includes shares held by close associatesand through his holding company Four Leaf Clover AS.

Carl-Johan Hultenheim (Group COO) purchased 23 shares under the Program. Afterthe transaction, the primary insider holds 14,172 shares, 600,000 options and86RSUs in the Company.

Ole Petter Saxrud (Managing Director, Atea Norway) purchased 22 shares undertheProgram. After the transaction, the primary insider holds 1,669 shares,270,000options and 85 RSUs in the Company.

Juha Sihvonen (Managing Director, Atea Finland) purchased 26 shares under theProgram. After the transaction, the primary insider holds 199 shares, 400,000options and 99 RSUs in the Company.

Steinar Sønsteby (Group CEO) purchased 22 shares under the Program. After thetransaction, the primary insider holds 125,169 shares, 900,000 options and 85RSUs in the Company. The shareholding includes shares held through his holdingcompany SS Holding AS.

Linus Wallin (Managing Director, Atea Sweden) purchased 23 shares under theprogram. After the transaction, the primary insider holds 172 shares, 370,000options and 86 RSUs in the Company.

For further information, please contact:Robert Giori, CFO Atea ASA, mobile +47 934 09 188Ole Johan Fjellestad, Group Chief Accountant, mobile +47 992 74 829

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