Standard Deviation Channel by Bill Johns

Sets lines on chart for 1 standard deviation and 2 standard deviations above and below the Average over a set amount of time. The default is 180 intervals of the set interval. Example:
If chart is set to 1 day interval. There will be 5 lines drawn for the past 180 days for the average, 1 std deviation above the average, 2 std deviations above the average, 1 std deviation below the average and 2 std deviation below the average.
Any set alerts for crossing a line will have a default label. The default labels are: "Strong Sell" for alert on 2 std deviations above the average. "Evaluate for Sell" for 1 std deviation above the average. "Evaluate for Buy" for 1 std deviation below the average. "Strong Buy" for 2 std deviations below the average.
