Black Hawk Trend 3

The Black Hawk Trend indicator uses data from sources (such as EMAs, RSI, Stochs) to derive a trend direction. This indicator contains a pivot line that turns green when there is a buy position (lower bar) and it turns red when there is an active sell position (upper bar).

When there is a buy/sell signal, this does not mean buy immediately at this point, but rather look for a potential entry.

This indicator has the ability to treat buy and sells separately (Default: 2 account method) or it can use them in tandem (1 account method).

There is a toggle in the settings to modify the code for Bitcoin vs Forex (& Stocks).

When there is a strong trend, a red/green “+” sign shows up; this typically means take caution when trying to take a position countertrend.

There are also red/green triangles that signify a potential area to add to a position.

1. I am not a financial advisor.
2. I do not guarantee this script will provide consistent profits or that anyone can make money with it.

Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator.
Release Notes
Updated pivots to readjust on big moves.
Release Notes
Fixed chart for indicator
Release Notes
Added option for Aggressive Trading
buyMoving AveragesOscillatorspivotresistenceSELLsupportTrend Analysis

Invite-only script

Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact accrypto1 for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Author's instructions

Want to use this script on a chart?

Warning: please read before requesting access.

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