
Volume Divergence Polarity Grid [DW]

This study is an experiment built off the framework of my Dual Volume Divergence Index indicator.
It is designed to gauge polarity over multiple lookback periods of your choice by expressing the data as a two color grid.
Positive Volume Divergence and Negative Volume Divergence are calculated, and their relative values are used to gauge polarity.
The order of the grid is top to bottom - the top is the first lookback period, and the bottom is the last.
Release Notes

-> Migrated to v4.
-> Condensed DVDI calculations into a singular function.
-> Corrected NaN values to stabilize initial conditions.
-> Added 7 more Polarity lines.
-> Reorganized script structure.
-> Eliminated fills. Indications are now expressed as columns.
-> Revamped color scheme.
