Fast and Slow Trend-Line Momentum [Loxx]

Fast and Slow Trend-Line Momentum [Loxx] is a momentum indicator using FATL, SATL, RFTL, & RSTL Digital Filters

What is FTLM-STLM?
Fast Trend Line Momentum (FTLM) and Slow Trend Line Momentum (SLTM) indicators show the rate of price change, FATL and SATL are calculated the similar way as Momentum indicator.
FTLM(bar) = FATL(bar) – RFTL(bar)
STLM(bar) = SATL(bar) – RSTL(bar)

The main difference FTLM from the classic Momentum indicator is the following: it source prices processed by digital filters instead of close prices itself. As a result, FTLM looks smoothed and regular, in contrast with classic Momentum technical indicators.

-Bar coloring
