Bill & DiNapoli Trading

This Indicator is a pack of set of Indicators. I am a Bill Williams Chaos and DiNapoli system trader. It includes following indicators,

1. Wiseman 1 - Divergent Bar indicated by Circle. Angulation to be manually observed
2. Wiseman 2 - The Super AO signal, indicated by a square
3. Wiseman 3 - Bill William's Fractal indicated as Triangle
4. DiNapoli DMA1 - 3 Bar SMA, Shifted 3 Periods forward
5. DiNapoli DMA2 - 7 Bar SMA, Shifted 5 Periods forward
6. DiNapoli DMA3 - 25 Bar SMA, Shifted 5 Periods forward
7. Squat Bar - Bill William's Trading System

You can check out Bill Willam's Trading Chaos 2nd Edition and DiNapoli Level Book
