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This library provides a comprehensive set of geometric functions based on 2 simple types for point and line manipulation, point array calculations, some vector operations (Borrowed from RicardoSantos ), angle calculations, and basic polygon analysis. It offers tools for creating, transforming, and analyzing geometric shapes and their relationships.

View the source code for detailed documentation on each function and type.



This library enhances TradingView's Pine Script with robust geometric capabilities. It introduces the Point and Line types, along with a suite of functions for various geometric operations. These functionalities empower you to perform advanced calculations, manipulations, and analyses involving points, lines, vectors, angles, and polygons directly within your Pine scripts. The example is at the bottom of the script. ( Commented out )


This library revolves around two fundamental types:

 • Point: Represents a point in 2D space with x and y coordinates, along with optional 'a' (angle) and 'v' (value) fields for versatile use. Crucially, for plotting, utilize the `.to_chart_point()` method to convert Points into plottable chart.point objects.

 • Line: Defined by a starting Point and a slope, enabling calculations like getting y for a given x, or finding intersection points.


 • Point Manipulation: Perform operations like addition, subtraction, scaling, rotation, normalization, calculating distances, dot products, cross products, midpoints, and more with Point objects.

 • Line Operations: Create lines, determine their slope, calculate y from x (and vice versa), and find the intersection points of two lines.

 • Vector Operations: Perform vector addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, negation, perpendicular vector calculation, floor, fractional part, sine, absolute value, modulus, sign, round, scaling, rescaling, rotation, and ceiling operations.

 • Angle Calculations: Compute angles between points in degrees or radians, including signed, unsigned, and 360-degree angles.

 • Polygon Analysis: Calculate the area, perimeter, and centroid of polygons. Check if a point is inside a given polygon and determine the convex hull perimeter.

 • Chart Plotting: Conveniently convert Point objects to chart.point objects for plotting lines and points on the chart. The library also includes functions for plotting lines between individual and series of points.

 • Utility Functions: Includes helper functions such as square root, square, cosine, sine, tangent, arc cosine, arc sine, arc tangent, atan2, absolute distance, golden ratio tolerance check, fractional part, and safe index/check for chart plotting boundaries.


1 — Include the library in your script using:

2 — Create Point and Line objects:

3 — Utilize the provided functions:

4 — For plotting labels, lines, convert Point to chart.point:


This description provides a concise overview. Consult the library's source code for in-depth documentation, including detailed descriptions, parameter types, and return values for each function and method. The source code is structured with comprehensive comments using the `//@` format for seamless integration with TradingView's auto-documentation features.

█ Possibilities..


Library "geo"

This library provides a comprehensive set of geometric functions and types, including point and line manipulation, vector operations, angle calculations, and polygon analysis. It offers tools for creating, transforming, and analyzing geometric shapes and their relationships.

  Square root function
    value (float): (float) - The number to take the square root of
  Returns: (float) - The square root of the input value

  Square function
    x (float): (float) - The number to square
  Returns: (float) - The square of the input value

  Cosine function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the cosine of
  Returns: (series float) - The cosine of the input value

  Sine function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the sine of
  Returns: (series float) - The sine of the input value

  Tangent function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the tangent of
  Returns: (series float) - The tangent of the input value

  Arc cosine function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the arc cosine of
  Returns: (series float) - The arc cosine of the input value

  Arc sine function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the arc sine of
  Returns: (series float) - The arc sine of the input value

  Arc tangent function
    v (float): (series float) - The value to find the arc tangent of
  Returns: (series float) - The arc tangent of the input value

atan2(dy, dx)
  atan2 function
    dy (float): (float) - The y-coordinate
    dx (float): (float) - The x-coordinate
  Returns: (float) - The angle in radians

gap(_value1, __value2)
  Absolute distance between any two float values
    _value1 (float): First value
    __value2 (float)
  Returns: Absolute Positive Distance

phi_tol(a, b, tolerance)
  Check if the ratio is within the tolerance of the golden ratio
    a (float): (float) The first number
    b (float): (float) The second number
    tolerance (float): (float) The tolerance percennt as 1 = 1 percent
  Returns: (bool) True if the ratio is within the tolerance, false otherwise

  frad Fractional
    x (float): (float) - The number to convert to fractional
  Returns: (float) - The number converted to fractional

safeindex(x, limit)
  limiting int to hold the value within the chart range
    x (float): (float) - The number to limit
    limit (int)
  Returns: (int) - The number limited to the chart range

safecheck(x, limit)
  limiting int check if within the chartplottable range
    x (float): (float) - The number to limit
    limit (int)
  Returns: (int) - The number limited to the chart range

interpolate(a, b, t)
  interpolate between two values
    a (float): (float) - The first value
    b (float): (float) - The second value
    t (float): (float) - The interpolation factor (0 to 1)
  Returns: (float) - The interpolated value

gcd(_numerator, _denominator)
  Greatest common divisor of two integers
    _numerator (int)
    _denominator (int)
  Returns: (int) The greatest common divisor

method set_x(self, value)
  Set the x value of the point, and pass point for chaining
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point to modify
    value (float): (float) The new x-coordinate

method set_y(self, value)
  Set the y value of the point, and pass point for chaining
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point to modify
    value (float): (float) The new y-coordinate

method get_x(self)
  Get the x value of the point
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point to get the x-coordinate from
  Returns: (float) The x-coordinate

method get_y(self)
  Get the y value of the point
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point to get the y-coordinate from
  Returns: (float) The y-coordinate

method vmin(self)
  Lowest element of the point
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (float) The lowest value between x and y

method vmax(self)
  Highest element of the point
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (float) The highest value between x and y

method add(p1, p2)
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (Point) - the add of the two points

method sub(p1, p2)
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (Point) - the sub of the two points

method mul(p, scalar)
  Multiplication by scalar
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point
    scalar (float): (float) - The scalar to multiply by
  Returns: (Point) - the multiplied point of the point and the scalar

method div(p, scalar)
  Division by scalar
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point
    scalar (float): (float) - The scalar to divide by
  Returns: (Point) - the divided point of the point and the scalar

method rotate(p, angle)
  Rotate a point around the origin by an angle (in degrees)
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to rotate
    angle (float): (float) - The angle to rotate by in degrees
  Returns: (Point) - the rotated point

method length(p)
  Length of the vector from origin to the point
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point
  Returns: (float) - the length of the point

method length_squared(p)
  Length squared of the vector
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (float) The squared length of the point

method normalize(p)
  Normalize the point to a unit vector
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to normalize
  Returns: (Point) - the normalized point

method dot(p1, p2)
  Dot product
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (float) - the dot of the two points

method cross(p1, p2)
  Cross product result (in 2D, this is a scalar)
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (float) - the cross of the two points

method distance(p1, p2)
  Distance between two points
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (float) - the distance of the two points

method Point(x, y, a, v)
  Point Create Convenience
  Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
    x (float)
    y (float)
    a (float)
    v (float)
  Returns: (Point) new point

method angle(p1, p2)
  Angle between two points in degrees
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (float) - the angle of the first point and the second point

method angle_between(p, pivot, other)
  Angle between two points in degrees from a pivot point
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to calculate the angle from
    pivot (Point): (Point) - The pivot point
    other (Point): (Point) - The other point
  Returns: (float) - the angle between the two points

method translate(p, from_origin, to_origin)
  Translate a point from one origin to another
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to translate
    from_origin (Point): (Point) - The origin to translate from
    to_origin (Point): (Point) - The origin to translate to
  Returns: (Point) - the translated point

method midpoint(p1, p2)
  Midpoint of two points
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (Point) - The midpoint of the two points

method rotate_around(p, angle, pivot)
  Rotate a point around a pivot point by an angle (in degrees)
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to rotate
    angle (float): (float) - The angle to rotate by in degrees
    pivot (Point): (Point) - The pivot point to rotate around
  Returns: (Point) - the rotated point

method multiply(_a, _b)
  Multiply vector _a with _b
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (Point) The result of the multiplication

method divide(_a, _b)
  Divide vector _a by _b
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (Point) The result of the division

method negate(_a)
  Negative of vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to negate
  Returns: (Point) The negated point

method perp(_a)
  Perpendicular Vector of _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The perpendicular point

method vfloor(_a)
  Compute the floor of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The floor of the point

method fractional(_a)
  Compute the fractional part of the elements from vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The fractional part of the point

method vsin(_a)
  Compute the sine of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The sine of the point

lcm(a, b)
  Least common multiple of two integers
    a (int): (int) The first integer
    b (int): (int) The second integer
  Returns: (int) The least common multiple

method vabs(_a)
  Compute the absolute of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The absolute of the point

method vmod(_a, _b)
  Compute the mod of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
    _b (float): (float) The mod
  Returns: (Point) The mod of the point

method vsign(_a)
  Compute the sign of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The sign of the point

method vround(_a)
  Compute the round of argument vector _a
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (Point) The round of the point

method normalize_y(p, height)
  normalizes the y value of a point to an input height
  Namespace types: Point
    p (Point): (Point) - The point to normalize
    height (float): (float) - The height to normalize to
  Returns: (Point) - the normalized point

  Calculate the centroid of multiple points
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (Point) The centroid point

random_point(_height, _width, _origin, _centered)
  Random Point in a given height and width
    _height (float): (float) The height of the area to generate the point in
    _width (float): (float) The width of the area to generate the point in
    _origin (Point): (Point) The origin of the area to generate the point in (default: na, will create a Point(0, 0))
    _centered (bool): (bool) Center the origin point in the area, otherwise, positive h/w (default: false)
  Returns: (Point) The random point in the given area

random_point_array(_origin, _height, _width, _centered, _count)
  Random Point Array in a given height and width
    _origin (Point): (Point) The origin of the area to generate the array (default: na, will create a Point(0, 0))
    _height (float): (float) The height of the area to generate the array
    _width (float): (float) The width of the area to generate the array
    _centered (bool): (bool) Center the origin point in the area, otherwise, positive h/w (default: false)
    _count (int): (int) The number of points to generate (default: 50)
  Returns: (array<Point>) The random point array in the given area

method sort_points(points, by_x)
  Sorts an array of points by x or y coordinate
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points to sort
    by_x (bool): (bool) Whether to sort by x-coordinate (true) or y-coordinate (false)
  Returns: (array<Point>) The sorted array of points

method equals(_a, _b)
  Compares two points for equality
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (bool) True if the points are equal, false otherwise

method max(origin, _a, _b)
  Maximum of two points from origin, using dot product
  Namespace types: Point
    origin (Point)
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (Point) The maximum point

method min(origin, _a, _b)
  Minimum of two points from origin, using dot product
  Namespace types: Point
    origin (Point)
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (Point) The minimum point

method avg_x(points)
  Average x of point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The average x-coordinate

method avg_y(points)
  Average y of point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The average y-coordinate

method range_x(points)
  Range of x values in point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The range of x-coordinates

method range_y(points)
  Range of y values in point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The range of y-coordinates

method max_x(points)
  max of x values in point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The max of x-coordinates

method min_y(points)
  min of x values in point array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (float) The min of x-coordinates

method scale(_a, _scalar)
  Scale a point by a scalar
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to scale
    _scalar (float): (float) The scalar value
  Returns: (Point) The scaled point

method rescale(_a, _length)
  Rescale a point to a new magnitude
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to rescale
    _length (float): (float) The new magnitude
  Returns: (Point) The rescaled point

method rotate_rad(_a, _radians)
  Rotate a point by an angle in radians
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to rotate
    _radians (float): (float) The angle in radians
  Returns: (Point) The rotated point

method rotate_degree(_a, _degree)
  Rotate a point by an angle in degrees
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to rotate
    _degree (float): (float) The angle in degrees
  Returns: (Point) The rotated point

method vceil(_a, _digits)
  Ceil a point to a certain number of digits
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to ceil
    _digits (int): (int) The number of digits to ceil to
  Returns: (Point) The ceiled point

method vpow(_a, _exponent)
  Raise both point elements to a power
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
    _exponent (float): (float) The exponent
  Returns: (Point) The point with elements raised to the power

method perpendicular_distance(_a, _b, _c)
  Distance from point _a to line between _b and _c
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
    _b (Point): (Point) The start point of the line
    _c (Point): (Point) The end point of the line
  Returns: (float) The perpendicular distance

method project(_a, _axis)
  Project a point onto another
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to project
    _axis (Point): (Point) The point to project onto
  Returns: (Point) The projected point

method projectN(_a, _axis)
  Project a point onto a point of unit length
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to project
    _axis (Point): (Point) The unit length point to project onto
  Returns: (Point) The projected point

method reflect(_a, _axis)
  Reflect a point on another
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to reflect
    _axis (Point): (Point) The point to reflect on
  Returns: (Point) The reflected point

method reflectN(_a, _axis)
  Reflect a point to an arbitrary axis
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to reflect
    _axis (Point): (Point) The axis to reflect to
  Returns: (Point) The reflected point

method angle_rad(_a)
  Angle in radians of a point
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point
  Returns: (float) The angle in radians

method angle_unsigned(_a, _b)
  Unsigned degree angle between 0 and +180 by given two points
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (float) The unsigned angle in degrees

method angle_signed(_a, _b)
  Signed degree angle between -180 and +180 by given two points
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (float) The signed angle in degrees

method angle_360(_a, _b)
  Degree angle between 0 and 360 by given two points
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The first point
    _b (Point): (Point) The second point
  Returns: (float) The angle in degrees (0-360)

method clamp(_a, _vmin, _vmax)
  Restricts a point between a min and max value
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The point to restrict
    _vmin (Point): (Point) The minimum point
    _vmax (Point): (Point) The maximum point
  Returns: (Point) The restricted point

method lerp(_a, _b, _rate_of_move)
  Linearly interpolates between points a and b by _rate_of_move
  Namespace types: Point
    _a (Point): (Point) The starting point
    _b (Point): (Point) The ending point
    _rate_of_move (float): (float) The rate of movement (0-1)
  Returns: (Point) The interpolated point

method slope(p1, p2)
  Slope of a line between two points
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
  Returns: (float) - The slope of the line

method gety(self, x)
  Get y-coordinate of a point on the line given its x-coordinate
  Namespace types: Line
    self (Line): (Line) - The line
    x (float): (float) - The x-coordinate
  Returns: (float) - The y-coordinate

method getx(self, y)
  Get x-coordinate of a point on the line given its y-coordinate
  Namespace types: Line
    self (Line): (Line) - The line
    y (float): (float) - The y-coordinate
  Returns: (float) - The x-coordinate

method intersection(self, other)
  Intersection point of two lines
  Namespace types: Line
    self (Line): (Line) - The first line
    other (Line): (Line) - The second line
  Returns: (Point) - The intersection point

method calculate_arc_point(self, b, p3)
  Calculate a point on the arc defined by three points
  Namespace types: Point
    self (Point): (Point) The starting point of the arc
    b (Point): (Point) The middle point of the arc
    p3 (Point): (Point) The end point of the arc
  Returns: (Point) A point on the arc

approximate_center(point1, point2, point3)
  Approximate the center of a spiral using three points
    point1 (Point): (Point) The first point
    point2 (Point): (Point) The second point
    point3 (Point): (Point) The third point
  Returns: (Point) The approximate center point

createEdge(center, radius, angle)
  Get coordinate from center by radius and angle
    center (Point): (Point) - The center point
    radius (float): (float) - The radius of the circle
    angle (float): (float) - The angle in degrees
  Returns: (Point) - The coordinate on the circle

getGrowthFactor(p1, p2, p3)
  Get growth factor of spiral point
    p1 (Point): (Point) - The first point
    p2 (Point): (Point) - The second point
    p3 (Point): (Point) - The third point
  Returns: (float) - The growth factor

method to_chart_point(point)
  Convert Point to chart.point using chart.point.from_index(safeindex(point.x), point.y)
  Namespace types: Point
    point (Point): (Point) - The point to convert
  Returns: (chart.point) - The chart.point representation of the input point

method plotline(p1, p2, col, width)
  Draw a line from p1 to p2
  Namespace types: Point
    p1 (Point): (Point) First point
    p2 (Point): (Point) Second point
    col (color)
    width (int)
  Returns: (line) Line object

method drawlines(points, col, ignore_boundary)
  Draw lines between points in an array
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
    col (color): (color) The color of the lines
    ignore_boundary (bool): (bool) The color of the lines

method to_chart_points(points)
  Draw an array of points as chart points on the chart with line.new(chartpoint1, chartpoint2, color=linecolor)
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) - The points to draw
  Returns: (array<chart.point>) The array of chart points

  Calculate the area of a polygon defined by an array of points
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points representing the polygon vertices
  Returns: (float) The area of the polygon

  Calculate the perimeter of a polygon
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) Array of points defining the polygon
  Returns: (float) Perimeter of the polygon

is_point_in_polygon(point, _polygon)
  Check if a point is inside a polygon
    point (Point): (Point) The point to check
    _polygon (array<Point>)
  Returns: (bool) True if the point is inside the polygon, false otherwise

method perimeter(points)
  Calculates the convex hull perimeter of a set of points
  Namespace types: array<Point>
    points (array<Point>): (array<Point>) The array of points
  Returns: (array<Point>) The array of points forming the convex hull perimeter

  A Point, can be used for vector, floating calcs, etc. Use the cp method for plots
    x (series float): (float) The x-coordinate
    y (series float): (float) The y-coordinate
    a (series float): (float) An Angle storage spot
    v (series float): (float) A Value

    point (Point): (Point) The starting point of the line
    slope (series float): (float) The slope of the line



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