Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is calculating day, week, month or year average price where transaction prices are weighted with the volume value. This way script is estimating the average price based on both volume and price.
Drawing VWAP for days, weeks, months or years
Drawing initial periods (% with or without weekends)
Drawing last close value
3 standard deviation slots
Labels with values
Script Settings:
| Volume-Weighted Average Price visualization | Type - Chart type selection:
D(ay) - Daily Volume Weighted Average Price
W(eek) - Weekly Volume Weighted Average Price
M(onth) - Monthly Volume Weighted Average Price
Y(ear) - Annual Volume Weighted Average Price
Draw VWAP - VWAP visiblity checkbox, color and line width used for VWAP visualization, checkbox for label with value. Previous close - Drawing last VWAP close value. Color and line width used for drawing. checkbox for label with value. Establishing period[%] - Drawing initial area (described as % of the chart type period). Color picker for warning box background. VWAP is restarted with each period start. In the initial period VWAP value and it's deviations are not accurate and some traiding technics recommend to skip initial periods. Include weekends - Checkbox if establishing period calculations should include weekends. Stock exchanges are not working during weekends (should be not checked) and crypto markets are working 7 days a week (should be checked).
| Standard deviation | Slot1 - Standard deviation multiplier (0 is hiding), color and line width. Slot2 - Standard deviation multiplier (0 is hiding), color and line width. Slot3 - Standard deviation multiplier (o is hiding), color and line width.
Troubleshooting: In case of any problems, please contact the author of the script. To improve speed of solving problem first check if script is drawn, and if there is a "!" character after script params. If you can see "!" character, move cursor over it for detail. Send message with error details, ticker and interval to us. The more precise will be your description the faster we will be able to help you.
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