Momentum of Relative strength to Index Leaf_West style

Momentum of Relative Strength to index as used by Leaf_West. This is to be used with the companion Relative Strength to Index indicator Leaf_West Style. Make sure you use the same index for comparison. If you follow his methods be aware of the different moving averages for the different time periods. From Leaf_West: "on my weekly and monthly R/S charts, I include a 13 EMA of the R/S (brown dash line) and an 8 SMA of the 13 EMA (pink solid line). The indicator on the bottom of the weekly/monthly charts is an 8 period momentum indicator of the R/S line. The red horizontal line is drawn at the zero line.
For daily or 130-minute time periods (or shorter), my R/S charts are slightly different - the moving averages of the R/S line include a 20EMA (brown dash line), a 50 EMA (blue dash line) and an 8 SMA of the20 EMA (pink solid line). The momentum indicator is also slightly different from the weekly/monthly charts – here I use a 12 period calculation (vs 8 SMA period for the weekly/monthly charts)." Leaf's methods do evolve and so watch for any changes to the preferred MAs etc..
Momentum Indicator (MOM)relativeRelative Strength Index (RSI)strength

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