Ticker Performance Comparison

Ticker Performance Comparison Indicator

With this tool you can compare how three different tickers of your choice have performed over a specific period you choose. It can be used on any timeframe.

As you can see in the image above, I am comparing Nvidia, Bitcoin and Wadzpay over a 365 day period. This shows me at glance which asset has done better and by how much.

It shows how the closing prices have changed from the start of your chosen period to now, by automatically drawing lines on the same scale.

Key Features:

  • Lookback Period: You decide how many bars (days, weeks, etc.) back to look from today.
  • Three Tickers: Enter up to three different ticker symbols to see how they stack up against each other
  • Percentage Change: The tool calculates how much each ticker's closing price has changed, in percentage terms, from the start of your lookback period.
  • Performance Labels: Labels at the end of the period show the percentage change for each ticker.


Ignore the lines that are drawn before your lookback period: The lines before your chosen lookback period might be misleading. They appear due to the way historical data is processed and should be ignored. Only consider the data and trends from the start of the lookback period you entered to the present for an accurate comparison.

Use this tool to easily compare how different assets have performed over the timeframe that matters to you.


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