2007-12-01,Subprime mortgages,547
1990-07-01,Oil shock,243
1981-07-01,US unemployment,788
2006-09-26, Shinzo Abe
2007-09-26, Yasuo Fukuda
2008-09-24, Taro Aso
2009-09-16, Yukio Hatoyama
2010-07-08, Naoto Kan
2011-09-02, Yoshihiko Noda
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In true TradingView spirit, the creator of this script has made it open-source, so that traders can review and verify its functionality. Kudos to the author! While you can use it for free, remember that republishing the code is subject to our House Rules.
For quick access on a chart, add this script to your favorites — learn more here.