Added a sell failed assets (SFA) mode. SFA is only available in slither mode.
if SFA is Yes, then assets will be sold when they are between the lower boundry and upper boundry, and retrace towards the lower boundry.
Triangles for sells are now green for selling above the upper boundry and red when the asset retraces between the lower and upper boundries.
IMPORTANT: Not all coins are suitable for SFA.
Coins that have a high probility of crossing the upper boundry should NOT use SFA mode. BNB is an example of a coin that performs badly in SFA mode. SFA on these coins will cause more losses then gains.
Coins like BAT are an example of coins that do well with SFA. BAT has a history of crossing the lower boundry, then retracing before the upper boundry. Typically, BAT also trends lower the the initial purchase price, causing a loss. SFA mode allows the permature sell of coins like BAT at the best opportunity before retracement to a loss allowing break even or a small profit in most cases.