Market Price Order Divergence + Trapped Positions [Pt]

█ Introduction

Specifically designed for trading on NYSE, NASDAQ, Dow Jones, and AMEX related instruments like SPY, QQQ, ES, NQ...etc., this innovative tool provides traders with advanced market insights to help them comprehend the market intricacies and make well-informed decisions. Comprising three primary features: Price Order Divergence (POD) Bubbles, Market Order Bubbles, and Trapped Positions/Zones, this tool assists traders in deciphering the nuances of market order flow and trends.

An important point to note is that TradingView doesn't currently provide direct access to market order data, such as buy and sell order flow. Therefore, this tool cleverly leverages TICK index data to estimate the overall market buy and sell strength.

█ Price Order Divergence (POD)

POD serves to detect disparities between the prices of US indices and estimated market orders during regular trading hours (9:30 to 16:00 EST). Bullish divergence indicates that the estimated market order flow is biased towards buy orders, despite bearish price action. In contrast, bearish divergence indicates that the market order flow is biased towards sell orders while the price exhibits bullish action. By default, PODs are visually represented as green bubbles under the candle for bullish divergence and red ones above the candle for bearish divergence. The bubble's size symbolizes the estimated market order strength.

█ Market Order Bubbles (MOB)

During extended or Globex hours, instead of POD, the tool uses Market Order Bubbles (MOB) to estimate market orders using volume data. Sophisticated algorithm is used to distinguish between bullish vs bearish volume. A strong bullish volume represents significant buy orders, whereas a strong bearish volume represents substantial sell orders. By default, MOBs during these hours are shown in blue for bullish and yellow for bearish divergence. Again, the bubble's size symbolizes the estimated market order strength.

█ Trapped Positions/Zones

Trapped positions materialize when PODs or MOBs emerge in trending markets. For example, a bearish divergence during an uptrend suggests significant selling (including shorting), and if the price continues ascending without offering short positions any profit, these positions become 'trapped shorts' and is shown as 'TS' in the zone. The opposite is true for 'trapped longs' or 'TL'.

A price range zone can be delineated from the trapped position candles. If prices revisit these zones, and the prevailing market trend stays bullish, the trapped shorts will probably liquidate near the break-even point to mitigate losses. The same rationale applies to bullish divergence in a downtrend. Therefore, these zone often times represents support / resistance zones.

█ Potential Use Cases

Trend Confirmation: POD or MOB can confirm the strength of an ongoing trend. For example, during a bullish trend, a plethora of green bubbles or blue MOBs can affirm the trend's solidity.

Spotting Reversals: Large, isolated POD or MOB bubbles could indicate potential market reversals. For instance, a prominent red bubble or yellow MOB during an uptrend might hint at an impending trend reversal.

Risk Management: The Trapped Positions/Zones feature could assist in risk management. When prices approach these zones, traders can anticipate potential large market orders impacting price movements.

Profit Optimization: This tool can aid traders in optimizing profits by identifying when trapped positions are likely to liquidate, thus predicting potential sharp price movements.

Remember, as with any tool, this should be used alongside other market analyses and not as a standalone indicator. Happy trading!


█ Settings Overview

◊ Market - available options: NYSE, NASDAQ, Dow Jones, AMEX. This will be displayed
◊ Lookback period- # of bars to lookback for detecting price vs market order divergences

▼ Regular Hour - Price Order Divergence Bubbles

◊ Show Price Order Divergence (POD) Bubbles - toggle on/off for POD bubbles
◊ └ Use Market Order Sentiment only - Shows divergences between price movement and market order sentiment (amount of buying vs selling)
◊ └ Use Market Order Trend Bias - On top of market order sentiment, the indicator also looks at overall market short term trends to determine divergences
◊ └ Use Threshold [ ] Min. Threshold [ ] - For filtering order size, the lower the threshold, the more sensitive
◊ └ Use Volume Strength - Take volume into consideration as well, only shows divergence when there is strength in volume

▼ Extended Hour - Market Order Bubbles

◊ Show Market Order Bubbles - toggle on/off for MOB. Using volume data to estimate significant market order activities. Bubbles indicate possible large liquidation activities
◊ └ Volume Analysis period - lookback period for volume analysis
◊ └ Volume Strength period - lookback period for volume strength

▼ Trapped Position Zones

◊ Show Potential Traps - toggle on/off for un-activated trapped zones. They are shown as lightly shaded areas of potential traps. These areas will be activated once price hit the activation %
◊ Show Trapped positions (Regular Hours) - toggle on/off for POD trapped zones. By default, trapped shorts are shown in green, trapped tongs are shown in red.
◊ Show Trapped positions (Extended Hours) - toggle on/off for MOB bubbles. By default, trapped shorts are shown in blue, trapped tongs are shown in orange.
◊ └ Activation % - Trapped zones are activated if price goes x% of the potential trapped range in the undesirable direction. Default is 100%
◊ Liquidate display options - options: On first touch, Per touch, Fully liquidated

Trapped zones liquidate display options:

▼ Display

◊ General color settings for bubbles, trapped zones, and label size
◊ Use Emoji for bubbles - fun setting that displays bulls and bears by default. This helps really visualize where the bulls and bears are! 🤣🤣 These emoji can be changed in the style setting.

▼ Trapped Zone Channel

The trapped zone channel represents a continuous channel of the closest activated trapped zone area. This allows for creating alerts for trapped zones, and the plot outputs allows for custom Pinescript integration.

◊ Trapped Zone Channel Buffer % - Adds upper and lower buffer for trapped zone channel
◊ Show Trapped Channel - toggle on/off on trapped zone channels
◊ └ Remove channel changing lines - toggle on/off the transition plot lines when switching to the closest trapped zones
◊ Show Trapped Channel Fill - toogl

▼ Extra

◊ Display settings for chosen market and indicator title

▼ Trend Follower

◊ Show Trend Following Bar Color - toggle trend follower algorithm. This is an experimental trend following algorithm that attempts to detect bullish, neutral and bearish trends.

▼ Outputs

◊ Output Bubbles

Outputs for Bubbles for external interface. These can be used as inputs to your own indicator or strategy Pinescript. For more info, take a look at this TradingView blog:

Bubble type can be chosen within the settings:
Both - Default, output will include both Market Price Order Divergence Bubbles (during Regular Hours) and Market Order Bubbles (during Extended Hours)
POD Only (RTH) - Output will include only Market Price Order Divergence Bubbles; otherwise, output = 0 during Extended Hours
MOB Only (ETH) - Output will include only Market Order Bubbles; otherwise, output = 0 during Regular Hours

Market Order Bubbles output values:
3 = Large size Bullish Bubble
2 = Medium size Bullish Bubble
1 = Small size Bullish Bubble
0 = No Bubble
-1 = Small size Bearish Bubble
-2 = Medium size Bearish Bubble
-3 = Large size Bearish Bubble
Release Notes
█ Feature updates

▼ Alerts

◊ Added alerts for New Trapped Zone detection
◊ Added alerts for POD bubbles and MOB bubbles
Release Notes
◊ Added alerts for All Bullish or Bearish Bubbles

Release Notes
◊ Added bar colors option for showing divergences.
Note that 2 alert conditions for 'weak' divergence bubbles had to be removed to accommedate for this new feature, due to Pinescript output limitations.
Also note that only one of the two bar color options can be displayed at the same time. This new feature takes precedences over trend bar coloring.

Release Notes
● Runtime bug fix: Fixed error on referencing too many historical candles
Release Notes
◊ Added option to use custom ticker / index for calculating POD. By default, the indices used for POD calculations are as follows:
Dow Jones => USI:TICKI
Release Notes
◊ Fixed bug
  • 'Show Trapped Position' toggles weren't working properly
Bands and ChannelsmarketorderbubblesptgamblerreversalpointsentimentsupplyandemandzonessupportandresistancezonestrappedtradersTrend Analysis

Invite-only script

Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact PtGambler for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

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