

Library "PitchforkTypes"
User Defined Types to be used for Pitchfork and Drawing elements of Pitchfork. Depends on DrawingTypes for Point, Line, and LineProperties objects

  Pitchfork Drawing Properties object
    extend: If set to true, forks are extended towards right. Default is true
    fill: Fill forklines with transparent color. Default is true
    fillTransparency: Transparency at which fills are made. Only considered when fill is set. Default is 80
    forceCommonColor: Force use of common color for forks and fills. Default is false
    commonColor: common fill color. Used only if ratio specific fill colors are not available or if forceCommonColor is set to true.

  Pitchfork drawing components
    medianLine: Median line of the pitchfork
    baseLine: Base line of the pitchfork
    forkLines: fork lines of the pitchfork
    linefills: Linefills between forks

  Fork object property
    ratio: Fork ratio
    forkColor: color of fork. Default is blue
    include: flag to include the fork in drawing. Default is true

  Pitchfork Properties
    forks: Array of Fork objects
    type: Pitchfork type. Supported values are "regular", "schiff", "mschiff", Default is regular
    inside: Flag to identify if to draw inside fork. If set to true, inside fork will be drawn

  Pitchfork object
    a: Pivot Point A of pitchfork
    b: Pivot Point B of pitchfork
    c: Pivot Point C of pitchfork
    properties: PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
    dProperties: Drawing properties for pitchfork
    lProperties: Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
    drawing: PitchforkDrawing object
Release Notes

  Pitchfork drawing components
    medianLine (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Median line of the pitchfork
    baseLine (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Base line of the pitchfork
    forkLines (Line[] type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): fork lines of the pitchfork
    linefills (Linefill[] type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Linefills between forks

  Pitchfork object
    a (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Pivot Point A of pitchfork
    b (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Pivot Point B of pitchfork
    c (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Pivot Point C of pitchfork
    properties (PitchforkProperties): PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
    dProperties (PitchforkDrawingProperties): Drawing properties for pitchfork
    lProperties (LineProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
    drawing (PitchforkDrawing): PitchforkDrawing object
