Nifty Dashboard

//Author @GODvMarkets
indicator("GOD NSE Nifty Dashboard", "Nifty Dashboard")
i_timeframe = input.timeframe("D", "Timeframe")

// if not timeframe.isdaily
// runtime.error("Please switch timeframe to Daily")

i_text_size = input.string(, "Text Size", [, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge])

f_oi_buildup(price_chg_, oi_chg_) =>
price_chg_ > 0 and oi_chg_ > 0 => ["Long Buildup",]
price_chg_ > 0 and oi_chg_ < 0 => ["Short Covering", color.rgb(59, 255, 160)]
price_chg_ < 0 and oi_chg_ > 0 => ["Short Buildup",]
price_chg_ < 0 and oi_chg_ < 0 => ["Long Unwinding", color.rgb(255, 119, 0)]
=> ["Neutral", color.gray]

f_color(val_) => val_ > 0 ? : val_ < 0 ? : color.gray
f_bg_color(val_) => val_ > 0 ?,80) : val_ < 0 ?,80) :,80)

f_bg_color_price(val_) =>
fg_color_ = f_color(val_)
abs_val_ = math.abs(val_)
transp_ = switch
abs_val_ > .03 => 40
abs_val_ > .02 => 50
abs_val_ > .01 => 60
=> 80, transp_)

f_bg_color_oi(val_) =>
fg_color_ = f_color(val_)
abs_val_ = math.abs(val_)
transp_ = switch
abs_val_ > .10 => 40
abs_val_ > .05 => 50
abs_val_ > .025 => 60
=> 80, transp_)

f_day_of_week(time_=time) =>
switch dayofweek(time_)
1 => "Sun"
2 => "Mon"
3 => "Tue"
4 => "Wed"
5 => "Thu"
6 => "Fri"
7 => "Sat"

var table table_ =, 22, 20, border_width = 1)
var cols_ = 0

var text_color_ = color.white
var bg_color_ = color.rgb(1, 5, 19)

f_symbol(idx_, symbol_) =>
symbol_nse_ = "NSE" + ":" + symbol_
fut_cur_ = "NSE" + ":" + symbol_ + "1!"
fut_next_ = "NSE" + ":" + symbol_ + "2!"

[close_, chg_pts_, chg_pct_, stk_vol_nse_] =, i_timeframe, [close, close-close[1], close/close[1]-1, volume], ignore_invalid_symbol = true, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[fut_cur_close_, fut_cur_vol_, fut_vwap_] =, i_timeframe, [close,volume, ta.vwap(hlc3)], ignore_invalid_symbol = true, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[fut_next_close_, fut_next_vol_] =, i_timeframe, [close,volume], ignore_invalid_symbol = true, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[fut_cur_oi_, fut_cur_oi_chg_] = + "_OI", i_timeframe, [close, close-close[1]], ignore_invalid_symbol = true, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[fut_next_oi_, fut_next_oi_chg_] = + "_OI", i_timeframe, [close, close-close[1]], ignore_invalid_symbol = true, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

stk_vol_ = stk_vol_nse_
fut_vol_ = fut_cur_vol_ + fut_next_vol_
fut_oi_ = fut_cur_oi_ + fut_next_oi_
fut_oi_chg_ = fut_cur_oi_chg_ + fut_next_oi_chg_
fut_oi_chg_pct_ = fut_oi_chg_ / fut_oi_

fut_stk_vol_x_ = fut_vol_ / stk_vol_
fut_vol_oi_action_ = fut_vol_ / math.abs(fut_oi_chg_)

[oi_buildup_, oi_buildup_color_] = f_oi_buildup(chg_pct_, fut_oi_chg_pct_)

close_color_ = fut_cur_close_ > fut_vwap_ ? : fut_cur_close_ < fut_vwap_ ? : text_color_

if barstate.isfirst
row_ = 0, col_ = 0
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Symbol", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Close", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "VWAP", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Pts", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Stk Vol", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Fut Vol", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Fut/Stk Vol", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "OI Cur", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "OI Next", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "OI Cur Chg", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "OI Next Chg", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "COI ", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "COI Chg", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Vol/OI Chg", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "COI Chg%", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "Pr.Chg%", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, "OI Buildup", text_color = text_color_, bgcolor = bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size), col_ += 1

cell_color_ = color.white
cell_bg_color_ = color.rgb(1, 7, 24)
if barstate.islast
row_ = idx_, col_ = 0
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0}", symbol_), text_color = f_color(chg_pct_), bgcolor = f_bg_color_price(chg_pct_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_left), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#.00}", fut_cur_close_), text_color = close_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#.00}", fut_vwap_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,0.00}", chg_pts_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", stk_vol_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_vol_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,0.00}", fut_stk_vol_x_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_cur_oi_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_next_oi_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_cur_oi_chg_), text_color = f_color(fut_cur_oi_chg_), bgcolor = f_bg_color(fut_cur_oi_chg_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_next_oi_chg_), text_color = f_color(fut_next_oi_chg_), bgcolor = f_bg_color(fut_next_oi_chg_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_oi_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,#,###}", fut_oi_chg_), text_color = f_color(fut_oi_chg_), bgcolor = f_bg_color(fut_oi_chg_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,0.00}", fut_vol_oi_action_), text_color = cell_color_, bgcolor = cell_bg_color_, text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,0.00%}", fut_oi_chg_pct_), text_color = f_color(fut_oi_chg_pct_), bgcolor = f_bg_color_oi(fut_oi_chg_pct_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0,number,0.00%}", chg_pct_), text_color = f_color(chg_pct_), bgcolor = f_bg_color_price(chg_pct_), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_right), col_ += 1
table.cell(table_, col_, row_, str.format("{0}", oi_buildup_), text_color = oi_buildup_color_, bgcolor =,80), text_size = i_text_size, text_halign = text.align_left), col_ += 1

idx_ = 1
f_symbol(idx_, "BANKNIFTY"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "NIFTY"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "CNXFINANCE"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "RELIANCE"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "HDFC"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "ITC"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "HINDUNILVR"), idx_ += 1
f_symbol(idx_, "INFY"), idx_ += 1


Open-source script

In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

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