CCI High Performance long only

This strategy is based on the classic Commodity Channel Index and only works long.
The system enters the market when this indicator is very low ( CCI <-150 or user-defined threshold) and as soon as it regains strength (i.e. CCI> CCI of the previous candle) with a filter on the "strength" of the prices themselves (i.e. the closing of the candle that provides the signal must be higher than a certain difference - fixed at 0.25% - at the opening of the candle itself).
You exit the market when you either incur a stop loss or when the prices are above the upper band of the CCI.

This system is used to have a high number of profitable operations (well over 50%) with little effort in terms of number of bars, rather than wanting to capture the actual duration of a trend. It is therefore recommended for those who "suffer to see the potential losses".
