
Value Investing Strategy

Simple fundamental investing strategy based on two factors - Value and Growth

  • Look for value factor at its 6 months lowest. (Change Length to alter this. Each unit represents 3 months)
  • Verify that selected growth factor is increasing. (Compare with moving average)
  • Optionally consider stocks only if Piotrovski-F-Score is above PfScoreLimit

Exit Strategy include:
  • Reversal - Sell when value factor is at 6 months peak.
  • Trailing - Trail with 2 ATR. Can be changed in settings.
  • Combined - Keep reducing upon value factor reaching 6 months high. But full exit happens when stop loss is hit.
Release Notes
Fixed repainting. But, this makes the strategy less efficient.
Release Notes
Using 1M timeframe to check fundamentals instead of 3 months to increase number of signals.
Release Notes
Made to use daily timeframe price per sales data.
