
Yield Curve Version 2.0

Hello and welcome to "Yield Curve Version 2.0"

Please read as it might help you understand what information is being displayed and where it can be located.
Please note - this script will not generate accurately if loaded while the Bond Market is closed. It requires one real time update before the script will work.


* Plots the Yield Curve of the US01M, US02M. US03M, US01Y , US02Y , US03Y , US05Y , US10Y and US30Y
* Displays the Current Yield and Spread
* Displays the Average of the Entire Yield Curve
* Displays messages based off Inversions
* Displays Warning Message if 2-10 become Inverted
* Displays 4 Yield Curve Stability Figures (Based off my own algorithm)
* "View it your way" Ability to turn On/Off features via Input Settings
* All features are turned on by default

** Notes**

* Curve Yield and Labels change colors based on direction of the movement.
* BLUE line indicates the Average of the Entire Yield Curve

* There are 4 Stability figures plotted at the bottom, again based off and algorithm I have created. 1 - Stability Max Overload (read as the 4th number from the right at top). 2 - Stability Overload(3rd number from the right). 3 - Stability(2rd number from the right), 4 - Stability Max Overload Average(top most right figure) plotted as white line.

**What This Means**

* "STABILITY" I have created an Algorithm that tries to read the Stability of the Yield Curve. This was created with inversion data and weighted based off certain criteria. The Stability bar is the most visible bar on the bottom and value ranges from 0 to 1. 0 indicating the MOST Stable Yield Curve and 1 indicating the MOST Unstable Yield Curve. A Green Move indicates a "MORE STABLE" Yield Curve vs prior resolution. Red indicates a "MORE UNSTABLE" Yield Curve vs prior resolution.

* "STABILITY OVERLAD" This figure is plotted as the middle section of the lower columns. This is typically a very small number as its based off and average I recovered from the STABILITY figure. It is then added to the STABILITY.

* "STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD* This figure is plotted at the top of the columns and less visible. This figure is typically larger as the number was based off a total figure I recovered from the STABILITY figure.

* The best possible Yield Curve would generate a value of "0" for each of the Stability figures listed above and therefore would not even display the columns. The worst possible Yield Curve would generate a number (at minimum) greater than 1 as again the STABILITY figure itself has a max value of 1.

* The two figures in tracking are STABILITY and STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD. The greater the STABILTY number indicates the state of the Yield Curve itself and STABILTY MAX OVERLOAD number indicates a total value of that stability. Again 0 being the most stable Yield Curve.

* There is also a very light White plotted line at the bottom (inside the columns) This line indicates the average of the STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD


* Input settings will allow you to customize the entire display so you can view it the way you want.

Thank you and I look forward to adding more to this script soon!!!
Release Notes
**New Features**

*Indicator Labels*

* Added ability to display Indicator Label Name and Value via Input Settings. Indicators included - Yield Curve Average, Stability Max Overload, Stability Overload and Stability. => (YCA SMO SO S)
* Added ability to display Stability Max Overload SMA Label Name and Value via Input Settings. => (SMO SMA)

*How to use*

Indicator Labels by default are turned off. Enable "Indicators" via Input Settings to turn on. Once on, Indicator Labels will be displayed for (YCA SMO SO S). To switch to (SMO SMA) Labels, toggle "Indicator Labels / SMO SMA Labels", via Input Settings.
Once the "Indicators" feature has been enabled, you will be able to toggle between the two Display Labels. To turn the Indicator Labels Off, simply disable "Indicators" via Input Settings.

Minor chart scale adjustments might be needed as the labels display to the right of the Yield Curve in time that has not come to pass.

*Bug Fixes*

*Version Mismatch from Version 2.41 beings displayed and 2.0
*Updated Version to reflect Version 2.55.2
Release Notes
Release Notes: Yield Curve Version 2.58.4

** New Features **

* Added Ability to View Stability, Stability Overload and Stability Max Overload History via Input Settings
* Added Ability to View Stability Max Overload SMA History via Input Setting
Release Notes
** BUG FIX UPDATE** In previous Versions, STABILITY would not generate the correct number given certain criteria.

* Fixed the equation as to how STABILITY is calculated.
* Added a trigger if this value becomes greater than 1.

It is very unlikely that the greater than 1 trigger will come in to play but as it is still possible, I added it in for safety.

Best wishes,
Release Notes

- Added Total Inversion line ( Sum of all inversions )
- Added Spread of YCA and Total inversion ( Tracks the Spread of the entire Yield Curve Average vs. the Total Inversion )

- Added labels for Total Inversion
- Added labels for Spread(YCA/TI)

- Added Toggleable inputs for TI Data (And Labels)
- Added Toggleable inputs for Spread(YCA/TI) (And Labels)

- Total Inversion and YCA/TI Spread are turned off by default and can be turned on via Input settings.


- Fixed Labels to display the correct position based off the current resolution (WIP)


- Changed Label size from size.normal to size.large

**Known Issues**

While Display Labels can be turned on or off, they do tend to overlap if the data values are too close together. At this point, it's highly unlikely I will address this issue as it's not a priority.
