
Bollinger Bands Heatmap (BBH)

The Bollinger Bands Heatmap (BBH) Indicator provides a unique visualization of Bollinger Bands by displaying the full distribution of prices as a heatmap overlaying your price chart. Unlike traditional Bollinger Bands, which plot the mean and standard deviation as lines, BBH illustrates the entire statistical distribution of prices based on a normal distribution model.

This heatmap indicator offers traders a visually appealing way to understand the probabilities associated with different price levels. The lower the weight of a certain level, the more transparent it appears on the heatmap, making it easier to identify key areas of interest at a glance.

Key Features
Dynamic Heatmap: Changes in real-time as new price data comes in.
Fully Customizable: Adjust the scale, offset, alpha, and other parameters to suit your trading style.
Visually Engaging: Uses gradients of colors to distinguish between high and low probabilities.

Tooltip: Scale the size of the heatmap.
Purpose: The 'Scale' setting allows you to adjust the dimensions of each heatmap box. A higher value will result in larger boxes and a more generalized view, while a lower value will make the boxes smaller, offering a more detailed look at price distributions.
Values: You can set this from a minimum of 0.125, stepping up by increments of 0.125.

Scale ATR Length
Tooltip: The ATR used to scale the heatmap boxes.
Purpose: This setting is designed to adapt the heatmap to the instrument's volatility. It determines the length of the Average True Range (ATR) used to size the heatmap boxes.
Values: Minimum allowable value is 5. You can increase this to capture more bars in the ATR calculation for greater smoothing.

Tooltip: Offset mean by ATR.
Purpose: The 'Offset' setting allows you to shift the mean value by a specified ATR. This could be useful for strategies that aim to capitalize on extreme price movements.
Values: The value can be any floating-point number. Positive values shift the mean upward, while negative values shift it downward.

Tooltip: Bollinger Bands Multiplier.
Purpose: The 'Multiplier' setting determines how wide the Bollinger Bands are around the mean. A higher value will result in a wider heatmap, capturing more extreme price movements. A lower value will tighten the heatmap around the mean price.
Values: The minimum is 0, and you can increase this in steps of 0.2.

Tooltip: Length of Simple Moving Average (SMA).
Purpose: This setting specifies the period for the Simple Moving Average that serves as the basis for the Bollinger Bands. A higher value will produce a smoother average, while a lower value will make it more responsive to price changes.
Values: Can be set to any integer value.

Heat Map Alpha
Tooltip: Opacity level of the heatmap.
Purpose: This controls the transparency of the heatmap. A lower value will make the heatmap more transparent, allowing you to see the price action more clearly. A higher value will make the heatmap more opaque, emphasizing the bands.
Values: Ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely opaque).

Color Settings
High Color & Low Color: These settings allow you to customize the gradient colors of the heatmap.
Purpose: Use contrasting colors for better visibility or colors that you prefer. The 'High Color' is used for areas with high density (high probability), while the 'Low Color' is for low-density areas (low probability).

Usage Scenarios for Settings
For Volatile Markets: Increase 'Scale ATR Length' for better smoothing and set a higher 'Multiplier' to capture wider price movements.
For Trend Following: You might want to set a larger 'Length' for the SMA and adjust 'Scale' and 'Offset' to focus on more probable price zones.
These are just recommendations; feel free to experiment with these settings to suit your specific trading requirements.

How To Interpret
The heatmap gives a visual representation of the range within which prices are likely to move. Areas with high density (brighter color) indicate a higher probability of the price being in that range, whereas areas with low density (more transparent) indicate a lower probability.

Bright Areas: Considered high-probability zones where the price is more likely to be.
Transparent Areas: Considered low-probability zones where the price is less likely to be.
Tips For Use
Trend Confirmation: Use the heatmap along with other trend indicators to confirm the strength and direction of a trend.
Volatility: Use the density and spread of the heatmap as an indication of market volatility.
Entry and Exit: High-density areas could be potential support and resistance levels, aiding in entry and exit decisions.
The Bollinger Bands Heatmap assumes a normal distribution of prices. While this is a standard assumption in statistics, it is crucial to understand that real-world price movements may not always adhere to a normal distribution.

The Bollinger Bands Heatmap Indicator offers traders a fresh perspective on Bollinger Bands by transforming them into a visual, real-time heatmap. With its customizable settings and visually engaging display, BBH can be a useful tool for traders looking to understand price probabilities in a dynamic way.

Feel free to explore its features and adjust the settings to suit your trading strategy. Happy trading!
Release Notes
lmao I didnt need the arrays


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