Am I allowed to include links to 3rd party sites in my signature?
According to our House Rules users are not allowed to have any external links in the idea description body or display a non-linked reference to any websites. Read more about this below:
- No advertisements, logos, links/references to any website, social media or messenger app, crypto wallets, company names or any kind of announcements are allowed on the chart, idea title, idea description, comment or idea status updates. Video ideas cannot show or promote any external sites and can only be based on charts from our platform. Premium plan holders are allowed to make some references in the Signature section, which can be edited in the Profile Settings and appears under every published idea. For small announcements, the profile status can be used, which updates all followers.
Same goes for the scripts:
- Scripts should not contain any advertisements, links/references to any website, social media or messenger app, crypto wallets, company names or any kind of announcements. The sole exception to this is when the author intends to sell an invite-only script, in which case he/she is allowed to promote it and provide exact details on how to obtain access to it, including off-site charging arrangements.
However, there is a signature field in your profile, where you can actually add that information without violating any rules:

The signature field is visible under each idea and is available to users with Premium and higher-tier plans.
For fast and frequent updates, promotions, announcements, marketing texts and external links on your Profile page, you can activate the status field by subscribing to any plan.