Troubleshooting installation problems on Windows
Before installing the app, please refer to this article to make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements.
How to launch .appinstaller files
TradingView Desktop for Windows is distributed as an app package (file TradingView.appinstaller). Usually, Windows can work with such files right out of the box but sometimes your Windows may not recognize appinstaller files (more often when your system is not up to date). In this case, you will see the "How do you want to open this file?" dialog when running the TradingView app package. As the first thing to do, we always recommend updating your Windows up to the most recent version. If that is not possible, use App Installer for Windows 10 from Microsoft Store to install the TradingView Desktop on your computer.
Installation fails with error “Windows cannot install package”
This is an upgrade error. TradingView Desktop starting with version beta.13 ( is not backward compatible with earlier versions. This means that beta.13 and later versions can’t be installed as an upgrade to version beta.12 ( or earlier. You should uninstall the app and then install the most recent version available for download here. Once you have the beta.13 version installed, all upcoming releases will be installed automatically as usual.
Installation fails with error 0x80070490
A few users have reported to us that the app cannot be installed due to an error message that says “App installation failed with the following error message: error 0x80070490: Opening the package from location TradingView.msix failed. (0x80070490).” If you face this, we recommend installing the Windows update of September 14, 2021 (KB5005565) or newer. Learn more about getting this update here.
Installation on Windows 11 fails with error 0x800B010A
Error message: This app package is not signed with a trusted certificate. Contact your system administrator or the app developer to obtain a new certificate or app package with trusted certificates. The root certificate and all immediate certificates of the signature in the app package must be trusted (0x800B010A)
If app installation cannot be completed on Windows 11 due to the error above, you should update the App Installer app. For that, go to the Microsoft Store, find App Installer in the Library, and click Update on it.
Installation fails with error 0x8000ffff
Error message: App installation failed with error message: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package TradingView.Desktop_1.0.0.2087_x64__n534cwy3pjxzj from: (TradingView.msix) failed with error 0x8000FFFF. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x8000ffff).
If you can't install TradingView Desktop due to this error, use Windows PowerShell to install the app. Go to this article to learn more.
Installation fails with error 0x80092004
Error message: Failed application installation with error message: Appinstaller operation failed with error code 0x80092004. Detail: Cannot find the object or property. (0x80092004).
If you get this error when installing TradingView Desktop, download this MSIX file and install the app with it. Installed this way, the app won't be able to auto-update, so please make sure you follow our announcements on app updates and install them manually.
Error in parsing the app package
Some software installed on a computer and also network configuration coming from an Internet provider may prevent App Installer from starting the installation of TradingView Desktop app.
If you get this error when opening TradingView.appinstaller, use Windows PowerShell to install the app. Go to this article to learn more.