Asset сlass: Currency

Currency: Categories, Focuses, and Niches

The fund is specifically designed to track the returns available to currency investments. Currency is a medium of exchange or conduit in which two parties transact. Currency serves as a unit of account and store of value that cannot be used as another source. Cryptocurrencies are currently classified as Currency.

Category outlines the fund's primary structure or targeting nature in relation to currencies.

Categories Pairs and Baskets: Funds in this category either target a "Pair" of two currencies or a "Basket" of multiple currencies. Descriptors indicate the long and short currencies using their three-letter ISO codes (e.g., USD, AUD, CAD), clearly defining the fund's currency focus.

Focus clarifies the specific currencies the fund targets, emphasizing the primary (long) and secondary (short) exposures.

Niche provides insights into the fund's strategy for gaining exposure to its tracked currency.


Rules for currency pairs:

One currency long, the other short.

""Basket"" for currency baskets.

Currencies denoted by ISO codes.


Long Bitcoin, short USD

Long USD, short EUR

Long G10 basket, short USD


In specie
