The Table tool allows drawing a custom table on the chart and filling it with data.

To add a table to the chart, select the Table tool in the Drawing panel and place it. You can set the size by dragging one of the corner points.
Text is added to a cell like in most text tools: select a table, click on the cell, and start typing.
To change the height of a row or the width of a column, hover over the border you want to change: it will be highlighted in blue, and you can drag it to the desired size.

You can add rows and columns using the floating toolbar or the context menu. By default, new rows and columns are added to the end. If a cell is selected, a new column will appear to its right, and a new row will appear below it.

Select the cell in it to delete a row or column and use the context menu.

In the settings window, on the Style tab, you can change the appearance of the table:

Allows you to change the color and opacity level for the table background.
Allows you to change the border color.
Allows you to change the font color and size.
Text alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of the text in the cells.
In the settings window, on the Visibility tab, you can configure the time intervals for which the table should be displayed on the chart.