GINN launches out of the consolidation of five thematic ETFs: New Age Consumer, Data-Driven World, Human Evolution, Finance Reimagined, and Manufacturing Revolution. Total assets at launch date were $307,712,434 with shares outstanding 6,150,000. An algorithm screens public information and company filings for keywords tied to any sub-theme related to the five key themes. For each sub-theme, securities are scored for thematic relevance, and the 50 highest-scoring securities are eligible for index inclusion. Relevance scores for all sub-themes are combined to calculate each eligible companys overall score. The top 100 companies in each theme are included in the underlying index. Holdings are weighted in the index according to a combination of market cap and thematic beta calculation, subject to a capping methodology. The objective is to give more weight to stocks with higher relevance while providing equal weighting to each theme. The index is rebalanced quarterly.