SIXH holds a portfolio of 40-60 US equities and sellscall options against the SPY to increase current income and decrease volatility. In generating this income, the Funds total return in favorable markets may be reduced while its total return may increase in bearish markets. In creating the equity portfolio, SIXH uses a quantitative strategy focused on high quality or profitable stocks. Portfolio construction begins with ranking each company based on a composite of several factors intended to measure profitability, growth, liquidity, solvency, and momentum. Securities ranking the lowest, relative to the distribution of all securities measured are excluded. The remaining firms are then ranked separately using various factors including beta, momentum, yield, value, and quality. SIXH selects the highest ranking companies after all the measures are applied. The Fund also may hedge its portfolio through the use of inverse ETFs. On Nov. 16, 2021 ETC took over distribution of the fund.