EID PARRYDate 20.02.2025
EID PARRY (Monthly)
Currently under corrective phase, but keep it on radar on completion of wave C in confluence with wedge is buying potential
Holding Pattern
Promoter/s = 41.70 %
Public = 32.37 %
Fii/s = 12.64 %
Dii/s = 13.29 %
The company has a strong degree of Operating leverage, Average Operating leverage stands at 3.39.
FII & DII holdings have increased holding substantially in last few quarters.
Fii/s have increased holding by 20%, from 10% to 12% (avg)
Dii/s have increased holding by 4X, from 4% to 13% (avg)
Neutral Points
Has shown a revenue growth of 11.53% for the Past 3 years
Has a ROE of 7.10% over the past 3 years.
Has shown a poor profit growth of -50.16% for the Past 3 years.
Contingent liabilities of 861.87 Cr.
Negative cash flow from operations of -77.70.
At higher EV/EBITDA of 68.08.