The services sector is the largest sector of the Mauritius' economy and accounts for 76 percent of total GDP. Within services, the most important sub-sectors are: wholesale and retail trade (12 percent), financial and insurance activities (12 percent), accommodation and food services activities (7 percent); transportation and storage (6 percent); real estate and public administration and defense (6 percent); and compulsory social security (6 percent). Also, industry contributes 20 percent to the GDP, with manufacturing (13 percent) and construction (4 percent) accounting for the largest shares. The primary sector accounts for 4 percent of GDP. On the expenditure side, household consumption accounts for 80 percent of the GDP while government expenditure for 16 percent. Gross capital formation accounted for 18 percent of GDP. Exports of goods and services for 45 percent while imports for 59 percent, subtracting 14 percent of total GDP.