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4DELL bonds

Below is the list of Dell Technologies corporate bonds. Investors often opt for a company's bonds for their increased stability in times of market volatility. Study prices, yields, and other stats and find a reliable investment.
Price %
Coupon %
Maturity date
Outstanding amt
Face value
Min denom amt
DDLTL5317615Dell International LLC 3.45% 15-DEC-2051
7.27%150 K64.67%3.45%2051-12-154.13 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDLTL5317223Dell International LLC 3.375% 15-DEC-2041
7.20%180 K69.85%3.38%2041-12-15511 K USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5663346Dell International LLC 3.45% 15-DEC-2051
6.80%1.05 M68.21%3.45%2051-12-15740.74 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5317222Dell International LLC 3.375% 15-DEC-2041
6.69%2.58 M73.80%3.38%2041-12-15939.07 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDMFP4364662Diamond 1 Finance Corp. 8.35% 15-JUL-2046
6.53%20 K116.61%8.35%2046-07-154.06 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamond 1 Finance Corp.
DDELL.GNDell Inc. 5.4% 10-SEP-2040
6.12%697 K94.27%5.40%2040-09-10264.39 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell, Inc.
UUS24702RAF8DELL INC. 2038
5.73%0105.73%6.50%2038-04-15387.81 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell, Inc.
DDELL5208606EMC Corporation 8.35% 15-JUL-2046
5.59%975 K126.85%8.35%2046-07-15645.94 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDEMC Corp.
DDELL5908308Dell International LLC 4.85% 01-FEB-2035
5.55%13.83 M95.51%4.85%2035-02-01800 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5212276EMC Corporation 8.1% 15-JUL-2036
5.40%603 K119.05%8.10%2036-07-15990.81 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDEMC Corp.
DDELL5766470Dell International LLC 5.4% 15-APR-2034
5.31%4.55 M100.53%5.40%2034-04-151 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDLTL4806654Dell International LLC 4.9% 01-OCT-2026
5.15%20 K99.62%4.90%2026-10-0126.77 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDMFP4364655Diamond 1 Finance Corp. 6.02% 15-JUN-2026
5.13%47 K101.08%6.02%2026-06-1513.57 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamond 1 Finance Corp.
5.06%0103.88%5.75%2033-02-011 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5208605EMC Corporation 6.02% 15-JUN-2026
5.01%6.13 M101.21%6.02%2026-06-152.49 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDEMC Corp.
DDELL5908045Dell International LLC 4.35% 01-FEB-2030
5.00%4.8 M97.42%4.35%2030-02-01700 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDMFP4364659Diamond 1 Finance Corp. 8.1% 15-JUL-2036
4.94%49 K123.49%8.10%2036-07-158.84 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamond 1 Finance Corp.
DDELL5210725Dell International LLC 6.2% 15-JUL-2030
4.89%3.43 M105.56%6.20%2030-07-15749.38 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5207960Dell International LLC 5.3% 01-OCT-2029
4.86%4.89 M101.65%5.30%2029-10-011.74 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDLTL4806652Dell International LLC 5.3% 01-OCT-2029
4.73%130 K102.21%5.30%2029-10-015.51 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5210217Dell International LLC 4.9% 01-OCT-2026
4.64%3.89 M100.39%4.90%2026-10-011.72 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL5210657Dell International LLC 6.1% 15-JUL-2027
4.63%1.27 M103.12%6.10%2027-07-15499.88 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
DDELL.GBDell Inc. 7.1% 15-APR-2028
4.63%265 K106.72%7.10%2028-04-15300 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USDDell, Inc.
4.53%0101.86%5.25%2028-02-011 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
XXS284326288DELL BK INTL 24/29 MTN
3.39%0100.88%3.63%2029-06-24500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURDell Bank International DAC
XXS254525987DELL BK INTL 22/27 MTN
3.14%0103.29%4.50%2027-10-18500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURDell Bank International DAC
DDLTL4973974Dell International LLC 6.2% 15-JUL-2030
2.71%0125.46%6.20%2030-07-15615 K USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC
XXS240044528DELL BK INTL 21/26 MTN
2.65%096.62%0.50%2026-10-27500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURDell Bank International DAC
DDLTL4973972Dell International LLC 6.1% 15-JUL-2027
1.98%0122.42%6.10%2027-07-15124 K USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDell International LLC