Displays a symbol's price movements over previous years to identify recurring trends.
Frequently Asked Questions
The current value of Germany 30 is 22,676.0 EUR — it has fallen by −0.26% in the past 24 hours. Track the index more closely on the Germany 30 chart.
Germany 30 reached its highest quote on Mar 6, 2025 — 23,482.0 EUR. See more data on the Germany 30 chart.
The lowest ever quote of Germany 30 is 2,430.2 EUR. It was reached on Apr 1, 2003. See more data on the Germany 30 chart.
Germany 30 value has decreased by −2.54% in the past week, since last month it has shown a 1.93% increase, and over the year it's increased by 21.83%. Keep track of all changes on the Germany 30 chart.
Germany 30 is just a number that lets you track performance of the instruments comprising the index, so you can't invest in it directly. But you can buy Germany 30 futures or funds or invest in its components.