The Fed Net Liquidity indicator is a concept discovered by Max Anderson to calculate the fair value of SPX ( S&P 500 Index ). The formula he shared on Twitter uses the Fed Balance Sheet , TGA (Treasury General Account), and Reverse Repo. The data for each component above is accessible on the FRED website. Net Liquidity = Fed Balance Sheet - ( TGA + Reverse...
CBOE Implied Correlation should be negatively correlated with SPY.
Net Liquidity: It's calculated as: ⬆️ Size of the Fed's Balance Sheet (WALCL) ⬇️ Minus how much of that has been sucked out into the Treasury (WTREGEN) ⬇️ Minus how much has been sucked out into Reverse Repo (RRPONTSYD) Apparently predicts direction of SP500 with high accuracy