BUY ABOVE - 24650 SL - 24570 TARGETS - 24700,24760,24860 SELL BELOW - 24570 SL - 24640 TARGETS - 24500,24420,24340 NO TRADE ZONE - 24570 to 24650 Previous Day High - 24700 Previous Day Low - 24570 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 53670 SL - 53690 TARGETS - 53890,54150,54400 SELL BELOW - 53390 SL - 53670 TARGETS - 53190,52970,52800 NO TRADE ZONE - 53390 to 53670 Previous Day High - 53890 Previous Day Low - 53390 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 53670 SL - 533690 TARGETS - 53890,54150,54400 SELL BELOW - 53390 SL - 53670 TARGETS - 53190,52970,52800 NO TRADE ZONE - 53390 to 53670 Previous Day High - 53890 Previous Day Low - 53190 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24760 SL - 24650 TARGETS - 24860,24950,25020 SELL BELOW - 24650 SL - 24760 TARGETS - 24570,24500,24420 NO TRADE ZONE - 24650 to 24760 Previous Day High - 24860 Previous Day Low - 24650 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 53390 SL - 53190 TARGETS - 53700,53930,54150 SELL BELOW - 53190 SL - 53390 TARGETS - 52970,52800,52600 NO TRADE ZONE - 53190 to 53390 Previous Day High - 53390 Previous Day Low - 52800 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24500 SL - 24420 TARGETS - 24600,24700,24800 SELL BELOW - 24420 SL - 24500 TARGETS - 24340,24250,24180 NO TRADE ZONE - 24420 to 24500 Previous Day High - 24600 Previous Day Low - 24340 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 52800 SL - 52600 TARGETS - 52970,53140,53290 SELL BELOW - 52600 SL - 52800 TARGETS - 52450,52270,52060 NO TRADE ZONE - 52600 to 52800 Previous Day High - 52800 Previous Day Low - 52270 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24500 SL - 24420 TARGETS - 24600,24700,24800 SELL BELOW - 24420 SL - 24500 TARGETS - 24340,24250,24180 NO TRADE ZONE - 24420 to 24500 Previous Day High - 24340 Previous Day Low - 24250 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 52270 SL - 52060 TARGETS - 52450,52600,52800 SELL BELOW - 52060 SL - 52270 TARGETS - 51750,51500,51300 NO TRADE ZONE - 52060 to 52270 Previous Day High - 52270 Previous Day Low - 51750 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24340 SL - 24250 TARGETS - 24420,24500,24600 SELL BELOW - 24250 SL - 24340 TARGETS - 24180,24100,24000 NO TRADE ZONE - 24250 to 24340 Previous Day High - 24340 Previous Day Low - 24000 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 52060 SL - 51800 TARGETS - 52270,52450,52600 SELL BELOW - 51800 SL - 52060 TARGETS - 51500,51300,51000 NO TRADE ZONE - 51800 to 52060 Previous Day High - 52270 Previous Day Low - 51800 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24180 SL - 24100 TARGETS - 24250,24340,24420 SELL BELOW - 24100 SL - 24180 TARGETS - 24000,23890,23780 NO TRADE ZONE - 24100 to 24180 Previous Day High - 24180 Previous Day Low - 23890 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24000 SL - 23890 TARGETS - 24100,24180,24250 SELL BELOW - 23890 SL - 24000 TARGETS - 23780,23690,23600 NO TRADE ZONE - 23890 to 24000 Previous Day High - 24340 Previous Day Low - 23890 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 57060 SL - 51800 TARGETS - 52270,52450,52600 SELL BELOW - 51800 SL - 52060 TARGETS - 51500,51300,51000 NO TRADE ZONE - 51800 to 52060 Previous Day High - 52800 Previous Day Low - 51800 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 24340 SL - 24250 TARGETS - 24420,24500,24600 SELL BELOW - 24250 SL - 24340 TARGETS - 24180,24100,24000 NO TRADE ZONE - 24250 to 24340 Previous Day High - 24340 Previous Day Low - 24100 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
BUY ABOVE - 52270 SL - 52060 TARGETS - 52450,52600,52800 SELL BELOW - 52060 SL - 52270 TARGETS - 51800,51500,51300 NO TRADE ZONE - 52270 to 52450 Previous Day High - 52450 Previous Day Low - 52060 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...
Can Enter at CMP or 101 Target - 180, 270, 420 Disclaimer - All information on this page is for educational purposes only, we are not SEBI Registered, Please consult a SEBI registered financial advisor for your financial matters before investing And taking any decision. We are not responsible for any profit/loss you made. Request your support and engagement...
BUY ABOVE - 24250 SL - 24180 TARGETS - 24340,24420,24500 SELL BELOW - 24100 SL - 24180 TARGETS - 24000,23890,23780 NO TRADE ZONE - 24100 to 24250 Previous Day High - 24340 Previous Day Low - 24100 Based on price action major support & resistance's are here, the red lines acts as resistances, the green lines acts as supports. If the price breaks the...