habibi how do you think about this prevision?
Here we discover together , how exact is our prevision on periodicity and chart behavior. I will keep update once there's the first signal!
Let's check if this chart is well behaved ( under laws ) , no need to make complications, we just expose one scenario, that if executed, very good signals will show that it's a perfect time to buy !
Now there's 60% sx-s rate that another raise will show up. I will keep updated once there's a good signals.
Here are the prevision for best sell/buy margins. all we will discuss later for a safe trade is how to benefice from updown movement. nothing complicated!
We really don't need any complicated words or lot of philosophy to show we have experience. We trade when it's safe and we escape in perfect timing on benefit wages everytime ! next two weeks we expect a raise (unsure 45% will be annouced by next week) and second one 90% sure If we all goes well we will X2 in second lot ! stay tuned , stay safe !
We can benefit from a quick back to stability ?
there's a high rate to get a magnentic and periodic effect
If this fall sacred you, here's a safe zone that we predict, that once reached, and signals are good following our chart strategies. stay tuned
can we benefit from this small back to normal life prevision ?
Is this Bond our next profit ? , Put your trades On guys! We start to collect today and stay updated!
Here you will feel how easy is to guess the periodicity if you know how to combine correct strategies
I hope this strategy will attract some eyes! keep in touch soon.
Another quick strategie that we will discover effectivnss by the time.
Simple prediction , 70% SX-S rate if reach circle of safety. We followed the pace for a long time, and this is one of the most accurate predictions. Stay tuned!