closed above 50dma 4344.27 with increased volume. zero debt big reserve.
closed above 50 DMA 3030.27 with increased volume . Negligible debt, big reserve, past results in line also expected in future. HMPV could be a boom boom trigar
closed above 200dma 727.82 with increased volume. is a credit card company and payment provider in India.
closed above 200dma 230.84 with increased volume. Increasing reserve. bv rs.246
closed above 200 dma234.89. debt free with big reserve . bv Rs.300.00
price increase with increased volume. big reserve and zero debt.
closed above 100 DMA 828.08 with increased volume. bog reserve and zero debt. The company is the largest footwear manufacturer in India in terms of volume and second-largest in terms of revenue.
closed above 100 DMA 643.81 with increased volume. increasing reserve and decreasing debt showing management's good intention.
closed above 200DMA 669.05 with volume. increasing reseve and decreasing debt. trading near its book value 576.49. is one the leaders in the domestic fertilisers industry...
closed above 150 dma 623.47 with increased volume. decreasing debt and increaseing resurve.
have closed above 200 dma 514.13 with increased volume. increasing reserve and decreasing debt showing strength.
closed above 200DMA 437.63 with increased volume. debt free company with big reserve......
closed above 200dma 127.86 with increased volume. big reserve with negligible debt. result in line..
closed above 200dma 680.05 with increased volule. negligible debt big reserve shows strength.
Closed above 50dma 238.19 with increased volume. Decreasing debt and icreasing reserve. Financial retios are better than 2021 retios but rate is still same as it was in 2021.
closed above 200DMA 3753.17 with increased volume. Zero debt with big reserve.
Negligible debt and big reserve. Engaged in manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients. Manufactures products for oncology segment.