Axis Bank breakout buy above the breakout only, Axis has been hammered due to results, it can bounce, levels on the chart R:R very good .1:3.2 B uy only if level triggers above 994, Future If you want to hedge sell 1000 Call or not
SBI Bank - looks like breaking out IF it breaches the current resistance, it gan give good ultra short term swing details on the chart Buy above 787 Target 799-810 SL 780 This is Jan Futures, the RR looks very favourable, trade only once buy is triggered
Happy New Year people, hope this year brings a lot , i mean a LOT of Money your way Here's a strangle for tomorrow expiry Nifty 23900 Call at 42 , 23500 Put at 34 for 2nd december Strangle Total Premium : 86 Bucks. High risk high reward for naked strangle for defined loss and profit, one can buy the respective legs 200 points away
Nifty Strangle for 19 Dec After a 400 Point Swing herez what I am trading Selling 25000 CE & 24000 PE for 35 each Combined premium 70, Stop Loss 70 ( on any side), or book and adjust Target Zero
Sell 55000 Ce at 250 Sell 50000 PE x 2 Lots at 67 Net Premium : 384 SL for Call 400 SL for Put 222 TnC for naked calls apply. For advanced traders with adjustment knowledge
Sell 48700 Put at 80 - 1 Lot, Sell 52300 Call at 30 x 2 Lots This is 27 Nov Strangle for Bank Nifty, expecting both to go to zero, TnC for Naked sell apply. Combined Premium expected 80+60 = 140. Moderate Risk High Reward Trade. Do it if you understand adjustments else buy same side Far OTM legs
Adani Buy 2400 at 164 Call Sell 2600 Call 88. This is a defined profit defined loss trade, net debit trade, however see a good upside and can gan give good return. TnC for options apply, these both can be zero and then also the net loss will be 88 aprox
SELL 48000 PE AT 48 AND 53000Call at 22 Total premium 70 General tic of strangle apply, hedge by buying respective legs or put SL at 2.5 x of buying
Sell 50800 Put at 50-55 Sell 52000 call at 28-26 Total premium 83 Naked Strangle, 13 Nov Expiry General TnC apply for naked and hedged trades
Sell 53000 Call @36 and 49900 Put x 2 lots at 27 total premium 90 Rs. Please note this is a Naked strangle, to hedge buy corresponding legs on next week or higher strike price legs same weak, thumb rule buy options of 1/2 price of what is sold
Tomorrow is US election, markets could swing big, herez a strangle for 6th Nov Sell 49000 Put for 28 and sell 53000 Call for 12 x 2 Lots Total Premium 28 + 24 = 52 Looking at VIX at 17 I see a huge IV crash Disc: Naked Strangle use SL
Sell 52400 @ 37 and 50400 at 40 Total Premium 77 or 114 Sell 2 lots of 52400 call at 37 1 Lot of 50400 Put at 40 Total Premium collected 114, SL nil, Naked sell for 30th oct. Take this trade only if u understand adjustments, else safer would be selling 1 lot each and SL to be double of what is sold. So for 37 SL is 75 and for Put its 80.
Sell 53500 @ 12 x 3 Lots and 50500@48 x 1 Lot Buy 50000 Put at 29 Total Premium 54 can be collected. Expecting all of the above to go to zero, This is semi covered so please use SL
Sell 52600 Call x 1 Lots for 21 Sell 50800 Put x 2 Lot for 12.5 Total Premium 33 After making 28 Bucks in yesterdays strangle, this is new one for tomorrows expiry. Looking at the Bank Nifty movement taking this position 800 points to 1000 Points away on both sides Expecting 75 % decay by this time tomorrow
Sell 53200 x2 Lots @ 10.5 Call and 50200 Put 1 Lot @ 17.5 Total premium = 38.5 S.L - Nil Naked Call for maximum gain and maximum risk, To make it safer buy 53600 Call and 49800 Put
54500 CE Sell Bank Nifty 23 OCT expiry @17/18 Target 0 S.L 35 Looking at recent high, suggesting this Naked Sell, with a SL, to make it a strangle one can sell a Put of 1/2 value x 2 contracts.
Sell : 52400 CE and 50000 PE Sell Bank Nifty 9th Oct Total premium - 65 and 28 93 Wide Range of 2000 Points, for this strangle. Expecting both to be zero , to balance the delta one can sell 2 lots of Ce against 1 Lot of PE
Sell 53000 Call at 21 , 18th sept to hedge buy 54000 Call at 6 Expecting both to be zero, Net premium collected is 15 Rs per lot