I really don't like People keep commenting (loose talk ) with base less Knowledge, I usually ignore but I have received few Genuine Traders Quarry in the email Some of them have invested Quite Considerable Investment in order to secure their futures life , then it becomes my Sincere efforts in Explaining why i am looking for One more down , As You all...
I am personally Looking to Go short sell in This Particular script , I will sell Futures contract of Jan , Feb , March , and i will keep selling No matter what , I will keep rolling until my forecast is met , I love this , I love to short selling so much , I love Money , Yeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Wish you Happy New Year Friends Good luck
Hi Friends I am stopping the Post for Good , I have enjoyed all seasons of Comments , Remarks, Love and Passion of all the followers I wish you Happy & Prosperous New Year in Your Life , I wish You very Successful Trading years to every one of you , ...
One of the Strongest and Confirmed Method of wave Principle is When we have Primary wave (ii) as Simple the Wave (iv) will definitely have Expanded or Irregular Flat Most forget the rules and Guidelines and they tend to project or Forecast without having complete Knowledge , that's the reason I have stopped labeling on charts Now this has confirmed the...
Buy ATM CE Jan Contract and Book it at Take Profits Good luck
Buy Jan CE Options @450.00 strike or Buy ATM CE Options and book it near 510 Good luck
I have received many Messages as many as more than 107 with in 24 hours so in order to clear the air or their doubts i am posting it This method is correct method of counting the Elliott wave , You might have seen many people ( self claimed ) counting randomly , but this method is correct and meets all the Rules and Guide lines as per wave theory I am...
Hello friends after Go through lots of DM and Lots of Email from retail traders or day traders , I am Giving away my Secrets Tool This tool will help you to take decision during live trade and let you know the strength in price action or strength of candle you are about to take a trade Most of the time Retail traders Get trapped with Small Green candle and...
Hello Friends i have made small efforts in Explaining the Market dynamics in simple manner How the market changes from Indecision to Momentum and Momentum to Indecision , this kind of behavior is kept repeating from 100 s of years what changes is people who participates in the markets , Few Go out with Experience and Few Go with Making Money in the Market...
Friends i have made small efforts in Giving an Visual Representation of Text Book Example and Real time Patterns unfolding Most So called CMT or CFA or self claimed Professionals have less Knowledge on Identifying the visual patterns and Explaining it on Timely Manner The Time is Important and Developing Patterns has to Give an Visual Representation in real...
This Commodity is Going Go fast and in Furious way , at this given instant it will sharply start moving up to 2400 US and then it will likely pause for a while before moving up again , Gold is Going to Move final rally 3100 USD , this rally will be very Extreme move , Trade in 3 Months futures in case you are looking for long term Prospective , Good luck
Hi Friends i have made small efforts in Analyzing the Ambuja Cements , One can look for buy set up and Look to trade for Next forecast target Good luck
Hi Friends , Market has paused indicating termination of Inter-mediate Wave (III) now its on corrective move which indicate its going to be time consuming move On Extended wave (II) we saw it was deep time wise shallow by price wise so expect the wave 4 will be sharp by price wise and shallow by time wise The function of Time in wave (IV) will be shallow...
Friends i have made some efforts in Preparing data to Give to retail traders , in order to do that i need some support from all of you , So kindly send me DM to get the Update on when i will go live stream in Trading view Thanks
when market enter in Major stress , the reflection is visible on all financial instruments I was very bullish on this but seems Market stress is pulling down the INR , One can take up the trade based on weekly time frame , I am looking the upcoming move will be side way pattern non rapid and slow move , once this price correction completes one can expect...
This could lead a Possible Trade set up, One can watch for brake of the structure or price tag the forecast price rejection level Look to Go short in Dec and cover it before rollover
Hello Friends i have made some efforts in Explaining the wave theory and applying it to identify next move the scripts One can view it completely to understand better ways of Analysis methods Good luck
I am posting it because there was very intense message and demand for it almost in past 10 days i have received more than 61 DM message and 15 emails asking what is going to happen next This pattern is one of the high likely , and if move out from current correction ( after completion ) is strong then expect the Next stop is 2700 , Alternative if it failed...